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jQuery UI MultiSelect Widget

jQuery UI MultiSelect Widget: "

This is the successor and port of my original jQuery MultiSelect Plugin to a jQuery UI widget. While both will actively be maintained, I highly recommend you use this version over the plugin version. It has a more robust feature set, is faster, and is much more flexible. MultiSelect turns an ordinary HTML select control into an elegant drop down list of checkboxes with themeroller support.
This version inherits all the benefits from the jQuery UI widget factory that are not available in the plugin version. The most requested feature was the ability to call methods on instances after initialization (e.g., statefullness), and now there are 10 to choose from! Also present are eight events you can bind to, which in the previous version, had fewer and limited support. Finally, there is support for effects. Just include the jQuery UI effects dependency and specify the name of the opening or closing effect to use (and speed, if you wish!)


See what you’re missing out on? Many more demos are available here.

The code behind this demo:

selectedText:"# of # selected"


Using this widget is simple. First, include the following files:

  • jQuery 1.4.2
  • jQuery UI 1.8 widget factory and effects (if you’d like to use them)
  • A jQuery UI theme
  • This widget: jquery.multiselect.js
  • The CSS file: jquery.multiselect.css

Next construct a standard multiple select box. If you want this widget to degrade gracefully when JavaScript is turned off, ensure the control has the multiple attribute:

<select id="example" name="example" multiple="multiple">
<option value="1">Option 1</option>
<option value="2">Option 2</option>
<option value="3">Option 3</option>
<option value="4">Option 4</option>
<option value="5">Option 5</option>

Finally, initialize the widget on the select box once the document is ready:


See the demos for advanced usages and for more documentation!


To further customize multiselect, pass in a object with one or more of the options below.

// example:
header: "Choose an Option!"

headerEither a boolean value denoting whether or not to display the header, or a string value. If you pass a string, the default “check all”, “uncheck all”, and “close” links will be replaced with the specified text.true
heightHeight of the checkbox container (scroll area) in pixels.175
minWidthMinimum width of the entire widget in pixels. Setting to “auto” will disable.225
checkAllTextThe text of the “check all” link.Check all
uncheckAllTextThe text of the “uncheck all” link.Uncheck All
noneSelectedTextThe default text the select box when no options have been selected.Select options
The text to display in the select box when options are selected (if selectedList is false). A pound sign (#) will automatically replaced by the number of checkboxes selected. If two pound signs are present in this parameter, the second will be replaced by the total number of checkboxes available. Example: "# of # checked".
This parameter also accepts an anonymous function with three arguments: the number of checkboxes checked, the total number of checkboxes, and an array of the checked checkbox DOM elements. See examples for usage.
# selected
selectedListA numeric (or boolean to disable) value denoting whether or not to display the checked opens in a list, and how many. A number greater than 0 denotes the maximum number of list items to display before switching over to the selectedText parameter. A value of 0 or false is disabled.false
showThe name of the effect to use when the menu opens. To control the speed as well, pass in an array: ['slide', 500]empty string
hideThe name of the effect to use when the menu closes. To control the speed as well, pass in an array: ['explode', 500]empty string
autoOpenA boolean value denoting whether or not to automatically open the menu when the widget is initialized.false
multipleIf set to false, the widget will use radio buttons instead of checkboxes, forcing users to select only one option.true


Hook into any of the events below by either binding to the event name, or passing in the name of the event during initialization:

// bind to event
$("#multiselect").bind("multiselectopen", function(event, ui){
// event handler here

// or pass in the handler during initialization
open: function(event, ui){
// event handler here

beforeopenFires right before the menu opens. Prevent the menu from opening by returning false in the handler.
openFires after the widget opens.
beforecloseFires right before the menu closes. Prevent the menu from closing by returning false in the handler.
closeFires after the widget closes.
checkAllFires when all the options are checked by either clicking the “check all” link in the header, or when the “checkall” method is programatically called (see next section).
uncheckAllFires when all the options are all unchecked by either clicking the “uncheck all” link in the header, or when the “uncheckall” method is programatically called (see next section).
optgroupToggleFires when an optgroup label is clicked on. This event receives the original event object as the first argument, and a hash of values as the second argument:

$("#multiselect").bind("multiselectoptgrouptoggle", function(event, ui){
event: the original event object, most likely "click"

ui.inputs: an array of the checkboxes (DOM elements) inside the optgroup
ui.label: the text of the optgroup
ui.checked: whether or not the checkboxes were checked or unchecked in the toggle (boolean)

clickFires when a checkbox is checked or unchecked.

$("#multiselect").bind("multiselectclick", function(event, ui){
event: the original event object

ui.value: value of the checkbox
ui.text: text of the checkbox
ui.checked: whether or not the input was checked or unchecked (boolean)


After an instance has been initialized, interact with it by calling any of these methods:

// example:

openOpens the menu.
closeCloses the menu.
updateUpdates the current selectedText/selectedList value. Useful if you manually check/uncheck a box and need the widget’s text to reflect the changes.
disableDisable the entire widget.
enableEnable the entire widget.
checkallCheck all checkboxes.
uncheckallUncheck all checkboxes.
isOpenReturns a boolean denoting if the widget is currently open or not.
getCheckedReturns an array of all the checked checkboxes.
widgetReturns the menu container (all checkboxes inside).
destroyDestroy the widget, and revert back to the original select box.

If you find any issues, please report them using the GitHub issue tracker. Thanks!

Related posts:
  1. jQuery MultiSelect Plugin w/ ThemeRoller Support
  2. A jQuery UI Growl/Ubuntu-like Notification Widget