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Create A Google Static Maps Plugin

"In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a plugin that uses Google’s Static Maps API to display a map. We’ll also look at the differences between enclosed and non-enclosed shortcodes.

The Google Static Maps API

Google provides two versions of it’s Maps API for developers: dynamic, requiring JavaScript, and static, which simply returns an image and doesn’t require JavaScript.
Dynamic maps allow you to zoom and pan the map as well as manipulate the map programatically in response to user-generated events. All of that is great, but if you simply need to drop a basic map image onto your page, you’re much better off using the static map API.

Advantages Of The Static Maps API

  • No need to have JavaScript enabled
  • Reduction of requests to the server
  • No need to write any JavaScript
  • The static maps response is very fast

All You Need Is A URL

The base url for a static map is: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap? plus some parameters.
Here’s a live url for Chicago, Illinois using the required parameters: center, size, zoom and sensor:
This is what you should see in your browser:
Clean and quick!
Our plugin will take arguments from a shortcode, add them to the base url, and return the full url to our posts and pages.
We’ll make use of the following parameters:
  • center (required) – the location of the map center as either text or as a latitude, longitude pair, example: ‘chicago, illinois’ or ’41.88,-87.63′
  • size (required) – the size of the map image in pixels, width x height, example: ’400×350′
  • zoom (required) – the zoom (magnification) level, 0 (the whole world) to 21 (most detailed)
  • sensor (required) – true or false, see sensor parameter explanation
  • maptype (optional) – the type of map: roadmap, satellite, terrain, hybrid, see maptypes parameter explanation
  • scale (optional) – scaling for desktop or mobile usage , see scale parameter explanation
  • format (optional) – required image format, png, jpg, gif and others, see format parameter explanation
  • markers (optional) – we’ll use a simple marker to show the center of our map
Let’s do it.

Step 1 Set-Up the Plugin

The WordPress plugin folder is located in your WordPress installation folder at wp-content/plugins
Create a folder inside the plugins folder. Let’s call it google-static-map
Now, create the plugin file itself. Let’s call it google_static_map.php
The path to your plugin file should now be: wp-content/plugins/google-static-map/google_static_map.php
Every WordPress plugin needs some header information so WordPress can identify it and make it available on your dashboard plugin page. Place this code at the top of your plugin file and save it.
Plugin Name: Google Static Map
Plugin URI: http://wp.rosselliot.co.nz/google-static-maps/
Description: Displays a map using the Google Static Maps API.
Version: 1.0
License: GPLv2
Author: Ross Elliot
Author URI: http://wp.rosselliot.co.nz
You can edit this info as per your own requirements.
Now, go to your WordPress dashboard and select the Plugins menu. You’ll see the plugin listed like this:
Don’t activate it just yet.

Step 2 Shortcode Set-Up

WordPress shortcodes allow you to place plugin output into your posts and pages.

The Shortcode

The WordPress shortcode will be used in posts and pages like this: [gsm_google_static_map center = 'chicago,illinois' zoom = '10' size = '400x350']
Because we’re using a shortcode, we need to tell WordPress about it. To do that we use the WordPress function add_shortcode.
Place the following code in your plugin file:
add_shortcode('gsm_google_static_map', 'gsm_google_static_map_shortcode');
The first parameter gsm_google_static_map defines the name of the shortcode we’ll use in our posts and pages. The second parameter gsm_google_static_map_shortcode is the name of the function that is called by the shortcode.
The shortcode and plugin functions are prefixed with gsm (google static map) to avoid any possible name collisions with any other functions that WordPress may be using. The chances are slim that WordPress or any plugin will have a function called google_static_map but it pays to play it safe.

Step 3 The Shortcode Function

Here’s the function called by gsm_google_static_map. Place the following code in your plugin file:
function gsm_google_static_map_shortcode($atts){

 $args = shortcode_atts(array(

   'center' => '41.88,-87.63',
   'zoom' => '14',
   'size' => '400x400',
   'scale' => '1',
   'sensor' => 'false',
   'maptype' => 'roadmap',
   'format' => 'png',
   'markers' => $atts['center']   

 ), $atts );

 $map_url = '<img src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?';

 foreach($args as $arg => $value){

   $map_url .= $arg . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&';


 $map_url .= '"/>';

 return $map_url;


Getting Good Data

Our shortcode function gsm_google_static_map_shortcode accepts shortcode attributes (parameters) contained in the $atts array. These attributes should be a rock-solid set of map parameters. But what if they’re not? The shortcode API provides us with a way to provide defaults for these expected attributes, the shortcode_atts function.
Shortcode_atts takes two arguments. The first is an array of name => value pairs. Name is the expected shortcode attribute and value is its default value. If name is not present in $atts, it is created with the default value. This allows us to make sure that our function has the expected attributes with defaults.
What we’re really saying here is: compare the $atts with the listed name => value pairs and if any of them don’t exist in $atts then create them and use the default value.
$args = shortcode_atts(array(

 'center' => '41.88,-87.63',
 'zoom' => '14',
 'size' => '400x400',
 'scale' => '1',
 'sensor' => 'false',
 'maptype' => 'roadmap',
 'format' => 'png',
 'markers' => $atts['center']   

), $atts );
Note that for the markers parameter we’ve assigned the center value that has been passed from the shortcode.

Make A Nice URL

Now that shortcode_atts has made sure we have a good set of parameters, all we have to do is create a good static maps url to return to our post or page.
We use foreach to loop over the name => value pairs in $args concatenating them with the proper elements to make a properly formed url.
$map_url = '<img src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?';

foreach($args as $arg => $value){

 $map_url .= $arg . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&';


$map_url .= '"/>';
The trick with this is to make sure that the supplied $args element names (center, zoom, etc.) are exactly the same as the expected parameter names in the Google Maps request.
We use urlencode on the values to make sure that any non-standard characters are converted safely. For instance, spaces are converted to the + character.

Step 4 Test

Activate the plugin in your Plugin page.
Add this shortcode to a post or page:
[gsm_google_static_map center = 'sydney,australia' zoom = '10' size = '600x350']
You should see this map:
Play around with the shortcode attributes to see different maps. Perhaps this:
[gsm_google_static_map center = 'auckland,nz' zoom = '6' size = '600x350' maptype = 'terrain']

Step 5 A Better Plugin

Added Value: Enclosing Shortcodes

The shortcode form that we've used above is known as a self-closing shortcode. This means that the shortcode name and its attributes are contained between a pair of square brackets.
[gsm_google_static_map center = 'chicago,illinois' zoom = '10' size = '400x350']
But there's a variation on this form known as enclosing shortcodes.
[gsm_google_static_map center = 'chicago,illinois' zoom = '10']Map of Chicago, Illinois[/gsm_google_static_map]
The text "Map of Chicago, Illinois" is enclosed by the opening and closing tags of the shortcode. This is called the "content", and we can use it to our advantage.

Better SEO And A Fallback

The shortcode API lets us grab the content as a second parameter to the shortcode function, in our case the gsm_google_static_map_shortcode function.
Let's update/replace that function with this:
function gsm_google_static_map_shortcode($atts, $content = NULL){

 $args = shortcode_atts(array(

   'center' => '41.88,-87.63',
   'zoom' => '14',
   'size' => '400x400',
   'scale' => '1',
   'sensor' => 'false',
   'maptype' => 'roadmap',
   'format' => 'png',
   'markers' => $atts['center']   

 ), $atts );

 $map_url = '<img title="' . $content . '" alt="' . $content . '" src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?';

 foreach($args as $arg => $value){

   $map_url .= $arg . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&';


 $map_url .= '"/>';

 return $map_url;

Now we have a $content argument that we can use. But for what? Well how about a value for our IMG tag attributes, ALT and TITLE?
The code above makes no difference to the display of the map itself, but if you hover over the map, you'll see a tooltip that displays a helpful piece of information, "Map of Chicago, Illinois". And if you view the source of the page you'll see that the ALT and TITLE attributes have the same value. This is helpful for SEO as search engine robots can't interpret images but they can, and do, read ALT and TITLE tags. Further, if images are disabled or not functioning in a user's browser, then they will at least still see a description of your map in their browser.
You could even use it to display a heading above the map by checking for $content not NULL and adding it to a heading tag:
if($content != NULL) $map_url = '<h3>' . $content . '</h3>';

$map_url .= '<img title="' . $content . '" alt="' . $content . '" src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?';

foreach($args as $arg => $value){

 $map_url .= $arg . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&';


$map_url .= '"/>';
Shortcode for Havana, Cuba with heading: [gsm_google_static_map center="havana,cuba" zoom="11" scale="1" size="500x250"]Havana, Cuba[/gsm_google_static_map]
Note: the WordPress shortcode API is very forgiving. You can use the self-closing or enclosing forms of a shortcode and the API will correct for variations. See the documentation.

Using Shortcodes In Template Files

Shortcodes are designed for use in posts and pages, but they can be used in your template files if wrapped in the do_shortcode function.
Open the footer.php file in your site's theme folder. Add the following just after the <div id="footer"> tag:
echo do_shortcode('[gsm_google_static_map center = 'chicago,illinois' zoom = '8' size = '300x250']');
Refresh your page and you should see a map in the footer.

Static Maps Usage Limits

From the Static Maps API Usage Limits section:
"Use of the Google Static Maps API is subject to a query limit of 1000 unique (different) image requests per viewer per day. Since this restriction is a quota per viewer, most developers should not need to worry about exceeding their quota."
Also, map sizes are restricted to 640x640, but by using the scale parameter set to 2, you can effectively double the map size."
read more

Using The Settings API: Part 1 – Create A Theme Options Page

"If you create your own themes you will, sooner or later, want to allow your theme users have some control over certain appearance and/or functional elements of your theme. When this time comes you will want to use the powerful WordPress Settings API. With it, your code becomes simpler, more efficient and more secure.


This tutorial is not the first to be written on using the Settings API to create a theme or plugin settings page. In fact a good number of tutorials are available in the WordPress community already. Some quality tutorials include the Extended WordPress Settings API Tutorial (in two parts) by Alison Barrett as well as the well known Incorporating the Settings API in WordPress Themes by Chip Bennett.
This tutorial builds on some excellent code techniques found in those tutorials (credit goes to both!) so if you are not familiar with them I would definitely recommend that you read those two articles too. I hope that you may find some code in this tutorial that you can use and improve on in your own work. Right then! Let’s get straight to it!

A look at what we will be creating

I think it’s always nice when tutorials start by showing how the finished result looks like. So why don’t we start with that, shall we? For the purpose of this tutorial we will be using the twentyeleven WordPress 3.2 default theme however feel free to use your own theme if you prefer.
  1. Download the Source files and unzip
  2. Find the Part One/source_files/lib folder and upload it inside the twentyeleven theme folder so that it is on the same level as the twentyeleven/js folder you see.
  3. Then, open the Part One/source_files/functions.php in a code editor and copy the require_once code line.
  4. Next, open the twentyeleven/functions.php in your code editor. Find the twentyeleven_setup() function around line 74 and paste the line you copied earlier (point 3) inside the function as you see shown below.
function twentyeleven_setup() {

 //require only in admin!
Upon completing this step you should be able to see the Wptuts Options link under WordPress’ Appearance top-level menu of your Admin area. Go to it and take a moment to scan through the page contents. Following the Wptuts Settings Page title are four settings sections with their individual settings fields:
  • Text Form Fields
  • Text Area Form Fields
  • Select Form Fields
  • Check Box Form Fields
Note how certain settings allow HTML tags whereas other settings do not. Some settings are dedicated to numeric input only. Try saving the default settings and see the “Settings saved.” admin message appear. Try saving input with HTML tags on settings that do not allow their use and see how they are cleared away. Now go to the Email Input setting and save a wrong email format like email@email. Save the setting and see the admin error message display. See also how the setting that needs to be corrected is highlighted red so that we know exactly where to go and correct things.
Now that you see what the finished result looks like, let’s learn how we can re-create it step by step.

Step 1 Registering the Administration page

“The final code described in this step is found in the Part One/source_ files/step1 folder”
This step is about creating an empty page that will eventually display our settings. As Part One of this tutorial requires only a single settings page we will simply add a submenu to the existing Appearance top level menu. (Part Two will show how to add tabs as well as more than one settings page.) We will call the add_theme_page() function within our own wptuts_add_menu()function and hook that to the admin_menu action hook.

Prepare the Document

Create a new document in your code editor and call it my-theme-settings.php Save it and upload it inside the twentyeleven/lib folder. Open the twentyeleven/functions.php in your code editor and find the require_once code line you pasted in earlier and edit the file name to reflect the name of the new document you just created.
The code given below should be written in the twentyeleven/functions.php file.
function twentyeleven_setup() {

 //require only in admin!

Define our constants

First we define some constants. This will make it a little easier when you want to customize the code to your needs later on.
All the code given below and for the remaining part of Step 1 should be written in the my-theme-settings.php file.
* Define Constants
define('WPTUTS_SHORTNAME', 'wptuts'); // used to prefix the individual setting field id see wptuts_options_page_fields()
define('WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME', 'wptuts-settings'); // the settings page slug

Register the page

Next, tell WordPress that we want to register a settings page. For this, we need to write a function and hook it on the admin_menu action hook.
* Specify Hooks/Filters
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'wptuts_add_menu' );

* The Admin menu page
function wptuts_add_menu(){

 // Display Settings Page link under the "Appearance" Admin Menu
 // add_theme_page( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function);
 $wptuts_settings_page = add_theme_page(__('Wptuts Options'), __('Wptuts Options','wptuts_textdomain'), 'manage_options', WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME, 'wptuts_settings_page_fn');
Understand the add_theme_page() parameters
Take note of the add_theme_page() function parameters so you can later on customize the function call to your needs. The information is taken from the Codex page:
  • $page_title - The text to be displayed in the title tags of the page when the menu is selected
  • $menu_title - The text to be used for the menu
  • $capability - The capability required for this menu to be displayed to the user.
  • $menu_slug - The slug name to refer to this menu by (should be unique for this menu). (Note the use of our WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME constant!)
  • $function - The callback function to output the content for this page. (The wptuts_settings_page_fn() described further down.)

Define a helper function and the page content output function

The fifth parameter in add_theme_page() - i.e. wptuts_settings_page_fn() function - is responsible for displaying our page content. However, before we write it we need to define a helper function that will help bring the final page output (page title, settings sections, settings fields and contextual help) for us together. Copy and paste the code you see below after the call to the admin_menu action hook.
The helper function
* Helper function for defining variables for the current page
* @return array
function wptuts_get_settings() {

 $output = array();

 // put together the output array
 $output['wptuts_option_name']   = ''; // the option name as used in the get_option() call.
 $output['wptuts_page_title']   = __( 'Wptuts Settings Page','wptuts_textdomain'); // the settings page title
 $output['wptuts_page_sections']  = ''; // the setting section
 $output['wptuts_page_fields']   = ''; // the setting fields
 $output['wptuts_contextual_help']  = ''; // the contextual help

return $output;
The wptuts_get_settings() helper function outputs an associative array with the following values (in the order they are written):
  • The option name as we will use it in the get_option() call. (see Step 2)
  • The settings page title. (see below)
  • The settings sections. (see Step 3)
  • The settings fields (settings). (see Step 4)
  • The settings contextual help. (see Step 7)
The page content output function
Copy and paste the code you see below after the wptuts_get_settings() function.
* Admin Settings Page HTML
* @return echoes output
function wptuts_settings_page_fn() {
// get the settings sections array
 $settings_output = wptuts_get_settings();
 &lt;div class="wrap">
  &lt;div class="icon32" id="icon-options-general">&lt;/div>
  &lt;h2>&lt;?php echo $settings_output['wptuts_page_title']; ?>&lt;/h2>

  &lt;form action="options.php" method="post">
   &lt;p class="submit">
    &lt;input name="Submit" type="submit" class="button-primary" value="&lt;?php esc_attr_e('Save Changes','wptuts_textdomain'); ?>" />

&lt;?php }

Check the result

If you have followed the above successfully, this is how your settings page should look like at this point.

Step 2 Registering Page Settings

"The final code described in this step is found in the Part One/source_ files/step2 folder"
Now that we have our settings page in place we need to tell WordPress the settings we want to register and whitelist i.e. sanitize for it. This step is just about that. It will not change the appearance of our page so don't expect to actually "see" any changes reflected. All this vital work is done in the background. We will use the register_setting() function and it's sanitation callback within our custom wptuts_register_settings() function and then hook this on the admin_init action hook. Before we do this however, we need to adjust our helper wptuts_get_settings() function to include a value for $output['wptuts_option_name'].
The code given below should be written in the my-theme-settings.php file.

Adjust the helper function

* Helper function for defining variables for the current page
* @return array
function wptuts_get_settings() {

 $output = array();

 // put together the output array
 $output['wptuts_option_name']   = 'wptuts_options'; // the option name as used in the get_option() call.
 $output['wptuts_page_title']   = __( 'Wptuts Settings Page','wptuts_textdomain'); // the settings page title
 $output['wptuts_page_sections']  = ''; // the setting section
 $output['wptuts_page_fields']   = ''; // the setting fields
 $output['wptuts_contextual_help']  = ''; // the contextual help

return $output;

Register the page settings

Now add the next code block just below the wptuts_get_settings() function.
* Register our setting
function wptuts_register_settings(){

 // get the settings sections array
 $settings_output  = wptuts_get_settings();
 $wptuts_option_name = $settings_output['wptuts_option_name'];

 //register_setting( $option_group, $option_name, $sanitize_callback );
 register_setting($wptuts_option_name, $wptuts_option_name, 'wptuts_validate_options' );
Add it's hook.
* Specify Hooks/Filters
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'wptuts_add_menu' );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'wptuts_register_settings' );
Understand the register_setting() parameters
Take note of the register_setting() function parameters. The information is taken from the Codex page:
  • $option_group - A settings group name. (For simplicity we name it the same as the $option_name parameter below)
  • $option_name - The name of an option to sanitize and save. (what we use in a get_option() call.)
  • $sanitize_callback - A callback function that sanitizes the option's value.

Define the validation callback

Finally for this step we want to define our wptuts_validate_options() validation callback function. It will not do anything yet. Nevertheless, it's good to prepare it and have it ready for Step 6. Copy and paste the code below at the end of our document and before the closing php tag.
* Validate input
* @return array
function wptuts_validate_options($input) {

 // for enhanced security, create a new empty array
 $valid_input = array();

return $valid_input; // return validated input

Check the result

If you have followed the above successfully, your settings page should still look the same as it did at the end of Step 1!

Step 3 Defining & Registering Settings Sections

"The final code described in this step is found in the Part One/source_ files/step3 folder"
This step covers the four settings sections we will need. Part of the code we'll cover will need to be written in a separate file which we will include in our my-theme-settings.php so let's start with that.

Prepare a new Document

Create a new document in your code editor and call it my-theme-options.php Copy and paste in it the function you see below. Then save the document and upload it inside the twentyeleven/lib folder.
The code given below should be written in the my-theme-options.php file.
* Define our settings sections
* array key=$id, array value=$title in: add_settings_section( $id, $title, $callback, $page );
* @return array
function wptuts_options_page_sections() {

 $sections = array();
 // $sections[$id]   = __($title, 'wptuts_textdomain');
 $sections['txt_section']  = __('Text Form Fields', 'wptuts_textdomain');
 $sections['txtarea_section']  = __('Textarea Form Fields', 'wptuts_textdomain');
 $sections['select_section']  = __('Select Form Fields', 'wptuts_textdomain');
 $sections['checkbox_section']  = __('Checkbox Form Fields', 'wptuts_textdomain');

 return $sections;
The wptuts_options_page_sections() function defines our settings sections. It outputs an associative array. The array value stands for the section title and the array key for the section id. Both are needed for the add_settings_section() function call later on.

Include the new Document

We want to be able to use what the wptuts_options_page_sections() function returns in the my-theme-settings.php file. Make sure to include the my-theme-options.php like you see shown below. The code is added after the call to the admin_menu action hook.
The code given below and for the remaining part of Step 3 should be written in the my-theme-settings.php file.
* Include the required files
// page settings sections & fields

Adjust our helper function

Next, we adjust the wptuts_get_settings() helper function to include a value for the $output['wptuts_page_sections'] variable.
* Helper function for defining variables for the current page
* @return array
function wptuts_get_settings() {

 $output = array();

 // put together the output array
 $output['wptuts_option_name']   = 'wptuts_options'; // the option name as used in the get_option() call.
 $output['wptuts_page_title']   = __( 'Wptuts Settings Page','wptuts_textdomain'); // the settings page title
 $output['wptuts_page_sections']  = wptuts_options_page_sections(); // the setting section
 $output['wptuts_page_fields']   = ''; // the setting fields
 $output['wptuts_contextual_help']  = ''; // the contextual help

return $output;

Register the settings sections

Now, let's register our settings sections by calling the add_settings_section() function. Remember that the settings sections we defined are stored as an array so we need to run a foreach loop.
* Register our setting
function wptuts_register_settings(){

 // get the settings sections array
 $settings_output  = wptuts_get_settings();
 $wptuts_option_name = $settings_output['wptuts_option_name'];

 // register_setting( $option_group, $option_name, $sanitize_callback );
 register_setting($wptuts_option_name, $wptuts_option_name, 'wptuts_validate_options' );

 // add_settings_section( $id, $title, $callback, $page );
  // call the "add_settings_section" for each!
  foreach ( $settings_output['wptuts_page_sections'] as $id => $title ) {
   add_settings_section( $id, $title, 'wptuts_section_fn', __FILE__);
Understand the register_setting() parameters
Take note of the add_settings_section() function parameters. The information is taken from the Codex page:
  • $id - String for use in the 'id' attribute of tags. (The array key in our $section array.)
  • $title - Title of the section. (The array value in our $section array.)
  • $callback - The name of the callback function that will echo some explanations about that section. (The wptuts_section_fn() function defined further down.)
  • $page - The settings page on which to show the section.

Define the sections callback function and adjust the page content output function

The settings sections callback function - i.e. wptuts_section_fn() - will echo it's contents for each section we created.
* Section HTML, displayed before the first option
* @return echoes output
function  wptuts_section_fn($desc) {
 echo "&lt;p>" . __('Settings for this section','wptuts_textdomain') . "&lt;/p>";
Finally, we tell WordPress that we want the sections to display on our settings page. We do this by calling the 2 functions: settings_fields() and do_settings_sections() in our wptuts_settings_page_fn()
* Admin Settings Page HTML
* @return echoes output
function wptuts_settings_page_fn() {
// get the settings sections array
 $settings_output = wptuts_get_settings();
 &lt;div class="wrap">
  &lt;div class="icon32" id="icon-options-general">&lt;/div>
  &lt;h2>&lt;?php echo $settings_output['wptuts_page_title']; ?>&lt;/h2>

  &lt;form action="options.php" method="post">
   // http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/settings_fields

   // http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/do_settings_sections
   &lt;p class="submit">
    &lt;input name="Submit" type="submit" class="button-primary" value="&lt;?php esc_attr_e('Save Changes','wptuts_textdomain'); ?>" />

&lt;?php }

Check the result

If you have followed the above successfully, this is how your settings page should look like at this point.

Step 4 Defining & Registering Setting Fields

"The final code described in this step is found in the Part One/source_ files/step4/ my-theme-settings.php folder"
This step is all about the actual settings or as they are called in the Settings API, the settings fields. We start by defining a new helper function.

Define a new helper function

The function (written by Alison Barrett) is explained in her own tutorial so I would encourage you to read that at some point. Please take note of the fact that our wptuts_create_settings_field() function will pass the $class argument to our validation function so it is not there simply for stylistic use in a css file!
The code given below should be written in the my-theme-settings.php file just after the wptuts_get_settings() function.
* Helper function for registering our form field settings
* src: http://alisothegeek.com/2011/01/wordpress-settings-api-tutorial-1/
* @param (array) $args The array of arguments to be used in creating the field
* @return function call
function wptuts_create_settings_field( $args = array() ) {
 // default array to overwrite when calling the function
 $defaults = array(
  'id'      => 'default_field',                   // the ID of the setting in our options array, and the ID of the HTML form element
  'title'   => 'Default Field',                 // the label for the HTML form element
  'desc'    => 'This is a default description.',  // the description displayed under the HTML form element
  'std'     => '',          // the default value for this setting
  'type'    => 'text',         // the HTML form element to use
  'section' => 'main_section',       // the section this setting belongs to — must match the array key of a section in wptuts_options_page_sections()
  'choices' => array(),         // (optional): the values in radio buttons or a drop-down menu
  'class'   => ''          // the HTML form element class. Also used for validation purposes!

 // "extract" to be able to use the array keys as variables in our function output below
 extract( wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ) );

 // additional arguments for use in form field output in the function wptuts_form_field_fn!
 $field_args = array(
  'type'      => $type,
  'id'        => $id,
  'desc'      => $desc,
  'std'       => $std,
  'choices'   => $choices,
  'label_for' => $id,
  'class'     => $class

 add_settings_field( $id, $title, 'wptuts_form_field_fn', __FILE__, $section, $field_args );

Understand the add_settings_field() parameters
Take note of the add_settings_field() function parameters. The information is taken from the Codex page:
  • $id - String for use in the 'id' attribute of tags.
  • $title - Title of the field.
  • $callback - The name of the callback function that will echo the form field.
  • $page - The settings page on which to show the field
  • $section - The section of the settings page in which to show the field
  • $args - Additional arguments to pass to our callback function. (These are what we mainly work with when we define our wptuts_options_page_fields() function further down)

Define the settings fields

The code given below should be written in the my-theme-options.php file just after the wptuts_options_page_sections() function.
* Define our form fields (settings)
* @return array
function wptuts_options_page_fields() {
 // Text Form Fields section
 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "txt_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_txt_input",
  "title"   => __( 'Text Input - Some HTML OK!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'A regular text input field. Some inline HTML (&lt;a>, &lt;b>, &lt;em>, &lt;i>, &lt;strong>) is allowed.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "text",
  "std"     => __('Some default value','wptuts_textdomain')

 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "txt_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_nohtml_txt_input",
  "title"   => __( 'No HTML!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'A text input field where no html input is allowed.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "text",
  "std"     => __('Some default value','wptuts_textdomain'),
  "class"   => "nohtml"

 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "txt_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_numeric_txt_input",
  "title"   => __( 'Numeric Input', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'A text input field where only numeric input is allowed.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "text",
  "std"     => "123",
  "class"   => "numeric"

 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "txt_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_multinumeric_txt_input",
  "title"   => __( 'Multinumeric Input', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'A text input field where only multible numeric input (i.e. comma separated numeric values) is allowed.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "text",
  "std"     => "123,234,345",
  "class"   => "multinumeric"

 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "txt_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_url_txt_input",
  "title"   => __( 'URL Input', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'A text input field which can be used for urls.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "text",
  "std"     => "http://wp.tutsplus.com",
  "class"   => "url"

 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "txt_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_email_txt_input",
  "title"   => __( 'Email Input', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'A text input field which can be used for email input.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "text",
  "std"     => "email@email.com",
  "class"   => "email"

 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "txt_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_multi_txt_input",
  "title"   => __( 'Multi-Text Inputs', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'A group of text input fields', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "multi-text",
  "choices" => array( __('Text input 1','wptuts_textdomain') . "|txt_input1", __('Text input 2','wptuts_textdomain') . "|txt_input2", __('Text input 3','wptuts_textdomain') . "|txt_input3", __('Text input 4','wptuts_textdomain') . "|txt_input4"),
  "std"     => ""

 // Textarea Form Fields section
 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "txtarea_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_txtarea_input",
  "title"   => __( 'Textarea - HTML OK!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'A textarea for a block of text. HTML tags allowed!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "textarea",
  "std"     => __('Some default value','wptuts_textdomain')

 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "txtarea_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_nohtml_txtarea_input",
  "title"   => __( 'No HTML!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'A textarea for a block of text. No HTML!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "textarea",
  "std"     => __('Some default value','wptuts_textdomain'),
  "class"   => "nohtml"

 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "txtarea_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_allowlinebreaks_txtarea_input",
  "title"   => __( 'No HTML! Line breaks OK!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'No HTML! Line breaks allowed!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "textarea",
  "std"     => __('Some default value','wptuts_textdomain'),
  "class"   => "allowlinebreaks"

 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "txtarea_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_inlinehtml_txtarea_input",
  "title"   => __( 'Some Inline HTML ONLY!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'A textarea for a block of text.
   Only some inline HTML
   (&lt;a>, &lt;b>, &lt;em>, &lt;strong>, &lt;abbr>, &lt;acronym>, &lt;blockquote>, &lt;cite>, &lt;code>, &lt;del>, &lt;q>, &lt;strike>)
   is allowed!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "textarea",
  "std"     => __('Some default value','wptuts_textdomain'),
  "class"   => "inlinehtml"

 // Select Form Fields section
 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "select_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_select_input",
  "title"   => __( 'Select (type one)', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'A regular select form field', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "select",
  "std"    => "3",
  "choices" => array( "1", "2", "3")

 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "select_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_select2_input",
  "title"   => __( 'Select (type two)', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'A select field with a label for the option and a corresponding value.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "select2",
  "std"    => "",
  "choices" => array( __('Option 1','wptuts_textdomain') . "|opt1", __('Option 2','wptuts_textdomain') . "|opt2", __('Option 3','wptuts_textdomain') . "|opt3", __('Option 4','wptuts_textdomain') . "|opt4")

 // Checkbox Form Fields section
 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "checkbox_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_checkbox_input",
  "title"   => __( 'Checkbox', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'Some Description', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "checkbox",
  "std"     => 1 // 0 for off

 $options[] = array(
  "section" => "checkbox_section",
  "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_multicheckbox_inputs",
  "title"   => __( 'Multi-Checkbox', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "desc"    => __( 'Some Description', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
  "type"    => "multi-checkbox",
  "std"     => '',
  "choices" => array( __('Checkbox 1','wptuts_textdomain') . "|chckbx1", __('Checkbox 2','wptuts_textdomain') . "|chckbx2", __('Checkbox 3','wptuts_textdomain') . "|chckbx3", __('Checkbox 4','wptuts_textdomain') . "|chckbx4")

 return $options;
Note how the arguments are used for each setting type whether it is a text input field, a textarea, a select drop down or a checkbox setting. Note the section argument and how it matches the $sections array key we output in our wptuts_options_page_sections() function. See that the class argument is regularly used for both our text and textarea settings types (this will be used in the wptuts_validate_options() function later.)

Adjust the helper function

Next, we adjust the wptuts_get_settings() helper function to include a value for the $output['wptuts_page_fields'] variable.
The code given below and for the remaining part of Step 4 should be written in the my-theme-settings.php file.
* Helper function for defining variables for the current page
* @return array
function wptuts_get_settings() {

 $output = array();

 // put together the output array
 $output['wptuts_option_name']   = 'wptuts_options';
 $output['wptuts_page_title']   = __( 'Wptuts Settings Page','wptuts_textdomain');
 $output['wptuts_page_sections']  = wptuts_options_page_sections();
 $output['wptuts_page_fields']   = wptuts_options_page_fields();
 $output['wptuts_contextual_help']  = '';

return $output;

Register the settings fields

Let's register our settings fields by calling the wptuts_create_settings_field() helper function which ultimately calls the add_settings_field() function. Remember that just like the settings sections, the settings fields we defined are stored as an array so we need to run a foreach loop.
* Register our setting
function wptuts_register_settings(){

 // get the settings sections array
 $settings_output  = wptuts_get_settings();
 $wptuts_option_name = $settings_output['wptuts_option_name'];

 // register_setting( $option_group, $option_name, $sanitize_callback );
 register_setting($wptuts_option_name, $wptuts_option_name, 'wptuts_validate_options' );

 // add_settings_section( $id, $title, $callback, $page );
  // call the "add_settings_section" for each!
  foreach ( $settings_output['wptuts_page_sections'] as $id => $title ) {
   add_settings_section( $id, $title, 'wptuts_section_fn', __FILE__);

  // call the "add_settings_field" for each!
  foreach ($settings_output['wptuts_page_fields'] as $option) {

Define the setting fields callback function

Finally we define the wptuts_form_field_fn() callback function that will handle the form field display. Copy and paste the following code just after the wptuts_section_fn() function.
* Form Fields HTML
* All form field types share the same function!!
* @return echoes output
function wptuts_form_field_fn($args = array()) {

 extract( $args );

 // get the settings sections array
 $settings_output  = wptuts_get_settings();

 $wptuts_option_name = $settings_output['wptuts_option_name'];
 $options    = get_option($wptuts_option_name);

 // pass the standard value if the option is not yet set in the database
 if ( !isset( $options[$id] ) && 'type' != 'checkbox' ) {
  $options[$id] = $std;

 // additional field class. output only if the class is defined in the create_setting arguments
 $field_class = ($class != '') ? ' ' . $class : '';

 // switch html display based on the setting type.
 switch ( $type ) {
  case 'text':
   $options[$id] = stripslashes($options[$id]);
   $options[$id] = esc_attr( $options[$id]);
   echo "&lt;input class='regular-text$field_class' type='text' id='$id' name='" . $wptuts_option_name . "[$id]' value='$options[$id]' />";
   echo ($desc != '') ? "&lt;br />&lt;span class='description'>$desc&lt;/span>" : "";

  case "multi-text":
   foreach($choices as $item) {
    $item = explode("|",$item); // cat_name|cat_slug
    $item[0] = esc_html__($item[0], 'wptuts_textdomain');
    if (!empty($options[$id])) {
     foreach ($options[$id] as $option_key => $option_val){
      if ($item[1] == $option_key) {
       $value = $option_val;
    } else {
     $value = '';
    echo "&lt;span>$item[0]:&lt;/span> &lt;input class='$field_class' type='text' id='$id|$item[1]' name='" . $wptuts_option_name . "[$id|$item[1]]' value='$value' />&lt;br/>";
   echo ($desc != '') ? "&lt;span class='description'>$desc&lt;/span>" : "";

  case 'textarea':
   $options[$id] = stripslashes($options[$id]);
   $options[$id] = esc_html( $options[$id]);
   echo "&lt;textarea class='textarea$field_class' type='text' id='$id' name='" . $wptuts_option_name . "[$id]' rows='5' cols='30'>$options[$id]&lt;/textarea>";
   echo ($desc != '') ? "&lt;br />&lt;span class='description'>$desc&lt;/span>" : "";

  case 'select':
   echo "&lt;select id='$id' class='select$field_class' name='" . $wptuts_option_name . "[$id]'>";
    foreach($choices as $item) {
     $value  = esc_attr($item, 'wptuts_textdomain');
     $item  = esc_html($item, 'wptuts_textdomain');

     $selected = ($options[$id]==$value) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
     echo "&lt;option value='$value' $selected>$item&lt;/option>";
   echo "&lt;/select>";
   echo ($desc != '') ? "&lt;br />&lt;span class='description'>$desc&lt;/span>" : "";

  case 'select2':
   echo "&lt;select id='$id' class='select$field_class' name='" . $wptuts_option_name . "[$id]'>";
   foreach($choices as $item) {

    $item = explode("|",$item);
    $item[0] = esc_html($item[0], 'wptuts_textdomain');

    $selected = ($options[$id]==$item[1]) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    echo "&lt;option value='$item[1]' $selected>$item[0]&lt;/option>";
   echo "&lt;/select>";
   echo ($desc != '') ? "&lt;br />&lt;span class='description'>$desc&lt;/span>" : "";

  case 'checkbox':
   echo "&lt;input class='checkbox$field_class' type='checkbox' id='$id' name='" . $wptuts_option_name . "[$id]' value='1' " . checked( $options[$id], 1, false ) . " />";
   echo ($desc != '') ? "&lt;br />&lt;span class='description'>$desc&lt;/span>" : "";

  case "multi-checkbox":
   foreach($choices as $item) {

    $item = explode("|",$item);
    $item[0] = esc_html($item[0], 'wptuts_textdomain');

    $checked = '';

       if ( isset($options[$id][$item[1]]) ) {
     if ( $options[$id][$item[1]] == 'true') {
         $checked = 'checked="checked"';

    echo "&lt;input class='checkbox$field_class' type='checkbox' id='$id|$item[1]' name='" . $wptuts_option_name . "[$id|$item[1]]' value='1' $checked /> $item[0] &lt;br/>";
   echo ($desc != '') ? "&lt;br />&lt;span class='description'>$desc&lt;/span>" : "";
Breaking-down the code
We collect our settings fields in the $options variable.
// get the settings sections array
$settings_output  = wptuts_get_settings();

$wptuts_option_name = $settings_output['wptuts_option_name'];
$options    = get_option($wptuts_option_name);
We pass the standard value ($std) if the setting is not yet set. We also put together a $field_class to be used as the form input field class (can be used for styling if needed.)
// pass the standard value if the option is not yet set in the database
if ( !isset( $options[$id] ) && 'type' != 'checkbox' ) {
 $options[$id] = $std;

// additional field class. output only if the class is defined in the create_setting arguments
$field_class = ($class != '') ? ' ' . $class : '';
Then, we run a foreach loop and switch based on the setting field type (text, textarea, select, checkbox etc.) When you customize this function later on, you will want to create a new case for each new setting field type (note: type) you add.
// run a foreach and switch on option type
foreach ($options as $option) {
 switch ( $option['type'] ) {
  case 'text':
   // echo code

  case "multi-text":
   // echo code

  case 'textarea':
   // echo code

  case 'select':
   // echo code

  case 'select2':
   // echo code

  case 'checkbox':
   // echo code

  case 'multi-checkbox':
   // echo code

Check the result

If you have followed the above successfully, this is how your settings page should look like at this point. Note that nothing will save yet so don't be surprised if nothing happens when you try!

Step 5 Validating & Saving User Input

"The final code described in this step is found in the Part One/source_ files/step5 folder"
Step 5 is all about validating and sanitizing what users attempt to save when they hit the "Save Settings" button. This process, also refered to as "whitelisting" is, in my opinion, the most important part in this tutorial. If there's anything that my theme users have indelibly impressed upon me is to validate, validate, validate! So, in this tutorial we will create a project-ready validation callback function which you can use in your projects. Feel free to modify, improve and extend it according to your needs.
Oh! and one more thing before we get to the actual validation function. Should you notice that your settings don't save even when everything else looks fine, this is the place to troubleshoot! So, we'll also cover a troubleshooting tip that may help.

The validation callback function

We have already defined this function in step 2 so go ahead and find it in your my-theme-settings.php. Then copy and paste the completed function you see below in it's place.
* Validate input
* @return array
function wptuts_validate_options($input) {

 // for enhanced security, create a new empty array
 $valid_input = array();

 // collect only the values we expect and fill the new $valid_input array i.e. whitelist our option IDs

  // get the settings sections array
  $settings_output = wptuts_get_settings();

  $options = $settings_output['wptuts_page_fields'];

  // run a foreach and switch on option type
  foreach ($options as $option) {

   switch ( $option['type'] ) {
    case 'text':
     //switch validation based on the class!
     switch ( $option['class'] ) {
      //for numeric
      case 'numeric':
       //accept the input only when numeric!
       $input[$option['id']]   = trim($input[$option['id']]); // trim whitespace
       $valid_input[$option['id']] = (is_numeric($input[$option['id']])) ? $input[$option['id']] : 'Expecting a Numeric value!';

       // register error
       if(is_numeric($input[$option['id']]) == FALSE) {
         $option['id'], // setting title
         WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . '_txt_numeric_error', // error ID
         __('Expecting a Numeric value! Please fix.','wptuts_textdomain'), // error message
         'error' // type of message

      //for multi-numeric values (separated by a comma)
      case 'multinumeric':
       //accept the input only when the numeric values are comma separated
       $input[$option['id']]   = trim($input[$option['id']]); // trim whitespace

       if($input[$option['id']] !=''){
        // /^-?\d+(?:,\s?-?\d+)*$/ matches: -1 | 1 | -12,-23 | 12,23 | -123, -234 | 123, 234  | etc.
        $valid_input[$option['id']] = (preg_match('/^-?\d+(?:,\s?-?\d+)*$/', $input[$option['id']]) == 1) ? $input[$option['id']] : __('Expecting comma separated numeric values','wptuts_textdomain');
        $valid_input[$option['id']] = $input[$option['id']];

       // register error
       if($input[$option['id']] !='' && preg_match('/^-?\d+(?:,\s?-?\d+)*$/', $input[$option['id']]) != 1) {
         $option['id'], // setting title
         WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . '_txt_multinumeric_error', // error ID
         __('Expecting comma separated numeric values! Please fix.','wptuts_textdomain'), // error message
         'error' // type of message

      //for no html
      case 'nohtml':
       //accept the input only after stripping out all html, extra white space etc!
       $input[$option['id']]   = sanitize_text_field($input[$option['id']]); // need to add slashes still before sending to the database
       $valid_input[$option['id']] = addslashes($input[$option['id']]);

      //for url
      case 'url':
       //accept the input only when the url has been sanited for database usage with esc_url_raw()
       $input[$option['id']]   = trim($input[$option['id']]); // trim whitespace
       $valid_input[$option['id']] = esc_url_raw($input[$option['id']]);

      //for email
      case 'email':
       //accept the input only after the email has been validated
       $input[$option['id']]   = trim($input[$option['id']]); // trim whitespace
       if($input[$option['id']] != ''){
        $valid_input[$option['id']] = (is_email($input[$option['id']])!== FALSE) ? $input[$option['id']] : __('Invalid email! Please re-enter!','wptuts_textdomain');
       }elseif($input[$option['id']] == ''){
        $valid_input[$option['id']] = __('This setting field cannot be empty! Please enter a valid email address.','wptuts_textdomain');

       // register error
       if(is_email($input[$option['id']])== FALSE || $input[$option['id']] == '') {
         $option['id'], // setting title
         WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . '_txt_email_error', // error ID
         __('Please enter a valid email address.','wptuts_textdomain'), // error message
         'error' // type of message

      // a "cover-all" fall-back when the class argument is not set
       // accept only a few inline html elements
       $allowed_html = array(
        'a' => array('href' => array (),'title' => array ()),
        'b' => array(),
        'em' => array (),
        'i' => array (),
        'strong' => array()

       $input[$option['id']]   = trim($input[$option['id']]); // trim whitespace
       $input[$option['id']]   = force_balance_tags($input[$option['id']]); // find incorrectly nested or missing closing tags and fix markup
       $input[$option['id']]   = wp_kses( $input[$option['id']], $allowed_html); // need to add slashes still before sending to the database
       $valid_input[$option['id']] = addslashes($input[$option['id']]);

    case "multi-text":
     // this will hold the text values as an array of 'key' => 'value'

     $text_values = array();
     foreach ($option['choices'] as $k => $v ) {
      // explode the connective
      $pieces = explode("|", $v);

      $text_values[] = $pieces[1];

     foreach ($text_values as $v ) {  

      // Check that the option isn't empty
      if (!empty($input[$option['id'] . '|' . $v])) {
       // If it's not null, make sure it's sanitized, add it to an array
       switch ($option['class']) {
        // different sanitation actions based on the class create you own cases as you need them

        //for numeric input
        case 'numeric':
         //accept the input only if is numberic!
         $input[$option['id'] . '|' . $v]= trim($input[$option['id'] . '|' . $v]); // trim whitespace
         $input[$option['id'] . '|' . $v]= (is_numeric($input[$option['id'] . '|' . $v])) ? $input[$option['id'] . '|' . $v] : '';

        // a "cover-all" fall-back when the class argument is not set
         // strip all html tags and white-space.
         $input[$option['id'] . '|' . $v]= sanitize_text_field($input[$option['id'] . '|' . $v]); // need to add slashes still before sending to the database
         $input[$option['id'] . '|' . $v]= addslashes($input[$option['id'] . '|' . $v]);
       // pass the sanitized user input to our $textarray array
       $textarray[$v] = $input[$option['id'] . '|' . $v];

      } else {
       $textarray[$v] = '';
     // pass the non-empty $textarray to our $valid_input array
     if (!empty($textarray)) {
      $valid_input[$option['id']] = $textarray;

    case 'textarea':
     //switch validation based on the class!
     switch ( $option['class'] ) {
      //for only inline html
      case 'inlinehtml':
       // accept only inline html
       $input[$option['id']]   = trim($input[$option['id']]); // trim whitespace
       $input[$option['id']]   = force_balance_tags($input[$option['id']]); // find incorrectly nested or missing closing tags and fix markup
       $input[$option['id']]   = addslashes($input[$option['id']]); //wp_filter_kses expects content to be escaped!
       $valid_input[$option['id']] = wp_filter_kses($input[$option['id']]); //calls stripslashes then addslashes

      //for no html
      case 'nohtml':
       //accept the input only after stripping out all html, extra white space etc!
       $input[$option['id']]   = sanitize_text_field($input[$option['id']]); // need to add slashes still before sending to the database
       $valid_input[$option['id']] = addslashes($input[$option['id']]);

      //for allowlinebreaks
      case 'allowlinebreaks':
       //accept the input only after stripping out all html, extra white space etc!
       $input[$option['id']]   = wp_strip_all_tags($input[$option['id']]); // need to add slashes still before sending to the database
       $valid_input[$option['id']] = addslashes($input[$option['id']]);

      // a "cover-all" fall-back when the class argument is not set
       // accept only limited html
       //my allowed html
       $allowed_html = array(
        'a'    => array('href' => array (),'title' => array ()),
        'b'    => array(),
        'blockquote'  => array('cite' => array ()),
        'br'    => array(),
        'dd'    => array(),
        'dl'    => array(),
        'dt'    => array(),
        'em'    => array (),
        'i'    => array (),
        'li'    => array(),
        'ol'    => array(),
        'p'    => array(),
        'q'    => array('cite' => array ()),
        'strong'   => array(),
        'ul'    => array(),
        'h1'    => array('align' => array (),'class' => array (),'id' => array (), 'style' => array ()),
        'h2'    => array('align' => array (),'class' => array (),'id' => array (), 'style' => array ()),
        'h3'    => array('align' => array (),'class' => array (),'id' => array (), 'style' => array ()),
        'h4'    => array('align' => array (),'class' => array (),'id' => array (), 'style' => array ()),
        'h5'    => array('align' => array (),'class' => array (),'id' => array (), 'style' => array ()),
        'h6'    => array('align' => array (),'class' => array (),'id' => array (), 'style' => array ())

       $input[$option['id']]   = trim($input[$option['id']]); // trim whitespace
       $input[$option['id']]   = force_balance_tags($input[$option['id']]); // find incorrectly nested or missing closing tags and fix markup
       $input[$option['id']]   = wp_kses( $input[$option['id']], $allowed_html); // need to add slashes still before sending to the database
       $valid_input[$option['id']] = addslashes($input[$option['id']]);

    case 'select':
     // check to see if the selected value is in our approved array of values!
     $valid_input[$option['id']] = (in_array( $input[$option['id']], $option['choices']) ? $input[$option['id']] : '' );

    case 'select2':
     // process $select_values
      $select_values = array();
      foreach ($option['choices'] as $k => $v) {
       // explode the connective
       $pieces = explode("|", $v);

       $select_values[] = $pieces[1];
     // check to see if selected value is in our approved array of values!
     $valid_input[$option['id']] = (in_array( $input[$option['id']], $select_values) ? $input[$option['id']] : '' );

    case 'checkbox':
     // if it's not set, default to null!
     if (!isset($input[$option['id']])) {
      $input[$option['id']] = null;
     // Our checkbox value is either 0 or 1
     $valid_input[$option['id']] = ( $input[$option['id']] == 1 ? 1 : 0 );

    case 'multi-checkbox':
     $check_values = array();
     foreach ($option['choices'] as $k => $v ) {
      // explode the connective
      $pieces = explode("|", $v);

      $check_values[] = $pieces[1];

     foreach ($check_values as $v ) {  

      // Check that the option isn't null
      if (!empty($input[$option['id'] . '|' . $v])) {
       // If it's not null, make sure it's true, add it to an array
       $checkboxarray[$v] = 'true';
      else {
       $checkboxarray[$v] = 'false';
     // Take all the items that were checked, and set them as the main option
     if (!empty($checkboxarray)) {
      $valid_input[$option['id']] = $checkboxarray;

return $valid_input; // return validated input
Breaking-down the code
Some of the process may remind you of what we did in the setting fields callback function which handled the form field display on the page.
We collect our settings fields in the $options variable.
// get the settings sections array
 $settings_output = wptuts_get_settings();

 $options = $settings_output['wptuts_page_fields'];
Then, we run a foreach loop and switch based on the setting field type (text, textarea, select, checkbox etc.) When you customize this function later on, you will want to create a new case for each new setting field type (note: type) you add.
// run a foreach and switch on option type
 foreach ($options as $option) {
  switch ( $option['type'] ) {
   case 'text':
    // validation code

   case "multi-text":
    // validation code

   case 'textarea':
    // validation code

   case 'select':
    // validation code

   case 'select2':
    // validation code

   case 'checkbox':
    // validation code

   case 'multi-checkbox':
    // validation code
Each setting field type, the text and textarea types in particular, may be used for different user input. Sometimes the input may be some text where html elements are allowed but at other times it may be that html is not allowed, or only inline html is OK. Some settings may expect a numeric, email or url user input. All that needs to be validated properly and here is where the class argument in our wptuts_options_page_fields() function comes in.
We run a second switch based on the setting field class (nohtml, numeric, email, url etc.) which will contain different validation/sanitation code depending on what is needed. When you customize this function later on, you will want to create a new case for each new setting field class you may create. Written below, you see the class switch for the text setting field type. Take a moment to study the class switch used for the textarea setting field as well.
switch ( $option['type'] ) {
 case 'text':
  //switch validation based on the class!
  switch ( $option['class'] ) {

   //for numeric
   case 'numeric':
    // validation code

   //for multi numeric separated with a comma
   case 'multinumeric':
    // validation code

   //for no html
   case 'nohtml':
    // validation code

   //for url
   case 'url':
    // validation code

   //for email
   case 'email':
    // validation code

   // a "cover-all" fall-back when the class argument is not set
    // validation code
Take the time to study the validation/sanitation done in each case. Should you see any functions used you're not sure about, look them up. A good resource for Data Validation is found in the Codex
Troubleshooting settings that won't save
Should you notice that your settings don't save, the first thing to do is print_r both the incoming $input at the top of the validation function and the outgoing $valid_input at the end before it is returned.
function wptuts_validate_options($input) {

 validation code

return $valid_input;
If the validation code you are using is not written well then the $valid_input array values will be empty even though the $input array values look ok. Isolate the problematic settings and look into your validation code to find out what may be preventing the value of a particular $input key from being passed on as the value of the corresponding $valid_input key.

Register errors

As you go through the validation code you will notice that what we mostly do is take the user input, "clean it up" and then pass it on to our validated input array. On occation however, such as in the case of email input, we will require the user to correct his input before saving the value in the database. We need to let the user know that there is a problem i.e. his input is not correct and that he needs to re-enter the value needed correctly. The WordPress Settings API allows us to provide such feedback using the add_settings_error() function.
You will see this function used on our text setting field type and specifically for the numeric, multinumeric and email classes. Shown below is the validation done on the email input field.
//for email
case 'email':
 //accept the input only after email has been validated
 $input[$option['id']]   = trim($input[$option['id']]); // trim whitespace
 if($input[$option['id']] != ''){
  $valid_input[$option['id']] = (is_email($input[$option['id']])!== FALSE) ? $input[$option['id']] : __('Invalid email! Please re-enter!','wptuts_textdomain');
 }elseif($input[$option['id']] == ''){
  $valid_input[$option['id']] = __('This setting field cannot be empty! Please enter a valid email address.','wptuts_textdomain');

 // register error
 if(is_email($input[$option['id']])== FALSE || $input[$option['id']] == '') {
   $option['id'], // setting title
   WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . '_txt_email_error', // error ID
   __('Please enter a valid email address.','wptuts_textdomain'), // error message
   'error' // type of message
Understand the add_settings_error() parameters
Take note of the add_settings_error() function parameters. The information is taken from the Codex page:
  • $setting - Slug title of the setting to which this error applies.
  • $code - Slug-name to identify the error. Used as part of 'id' attribute in HTML output.
  • $message - The formatted message text to display to the user (will be shown inside styled &lt;div> and &lt;p>)
  • $type - The type of message it is (error or update), controls HTML class.

Check the result

If you have followed the above successfully, then you should now be able to edit and save your settings! You will not see any admin messages (neither "success" nor "error") yet - we still have to write this (see step 6) - however your settings will be validated and saved.

Step 6 Admin Messages

"The final code described in this step is found in the Part One/source_ files/step6 folder"
In Step 5 we talked about whitelisting our settings and saving them. This is all nice however, we need to provide some sort of feedback when settings save successfully and when errors occur. Step 6 talks about displaying such feedback in the form of admin messages.

The helper function

WordPress provides us with an action hook we can use to echo out admin messages and this is what we will be using to display feedback both on "success" and on "error". First, we will create a helper function with 2 parameters: the actual message and the message type ("error", "info", "update", etc). I've seen this at Wp Recipes and I liked the way it was done so, we'll use it here as well.
The code given below and for the rest of Step 6 should be written in the my-theme-settings.php file just after the wptuts_validate_options() function.
* Helper function for creating admin messages
* src: http://www.wprecipes.com/how-to-show-an-urgent-message-in-the-wordpress-admin-area
* @param (string) $message The message to echo
* @param (string) $msgclass The message class
* @return echoes the message
function wptuts_show_msg($message, $msgclass = 'info') {
 echo "&lt;div id='message' class='$msgclass'>$message&lt;/div>";

The callback function and action hook

Next we need to write our callback function that will be hooked to admin_notices
* Callback function for displaying admin messages
* @return calls wptuts_show_msg()
function wptuts_admin_msgs() {

 // check for our settings page - need this in conditional further down
 $wptuts_settings_pg = strpos($_GET['page'], WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME);
 // collect setting errors/notices: //http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_settings_errors
 $set_errors = get_settings_errors();

 //display admin message only for the admin to see, only on our settings page and only when setting errors/notices are returned!
 if(current_user_can ('manage_options') && $wptuts_settings_pg !== FALSE && !empty($set_errors)){

  // have our settings succesfully been updated?
  if($set_errors[0]['code'] == 'settings_updated' && isset($_GET['settings-updated'])){
   wptuts_show_msg("&lt;p>" . $set_errors[0]['message'] . "&lt;/p>", 'updated');

  // have errors been found?
   // there maybe more than one so run a foreach loop.
   foreach($set_errors as $set_error){
    // set the title attribute to match the error "setting title" - need this in js file
    wptuts_show_msg("&lt;p class='setting-error-message' title='" . $set_error['setting'] . "'>" . $set_error['message'] . "&lt;/p>", 'error');

// admin messages hook!
add_action('admin_notices', 'wptuts_admin_msgs');
Understand the function
I made sure to comment out the function well however it should be noted that the get_settings_errors() function will not only return error messages but all notices in general - including a successfull message when our settings save correctly. So don't let the function name mislead you! This is why we are able to use the same function to display the "Settings saved" admin message on "success" as well as the error messages on "error".

Check the result

If you have followed the above successfully, then you should be able now to see the successful "Settings saved." admin message when you pass input validation, as well as the error admin message when you don't.

Error? But where?

Now that the error message displays as expected let's add a touch of javascript to draw attention to the setting the user needs to correct. You actually have the code already uploaded on your server. You've done this already in Step 1 so all we need to do is simply include the required files in our settings page so that the browser can execute the script. Copy and paste the following above the wptuts_add_menu() function.
* Group scripts (js & css)
function wptuts_settings_scripts(){
 wp_enqueue_style('wptuts_theme_settings_css', get_template_directory_uri() . '/lib/css/wptuts_theme_settings.css');
 wp_enqueue_script( 'wptuts_theme_settings_js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/lib/js/wptuts_theme_settings.js', array('jquery'));
Then we adjust the wptuts_add_menu() function like this:
* The Admin menu page
function wptuts_add_menu(){

 // Display Settings Page link under the "Appearance" Admin Menu
 // add_theme_page( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function);
 $wptuts_settings_page = add_theme_page(__('Wptuts Options'), __('Wptuts Options','wptuts_textdomain'), 'manage_options', WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME, 'wptuts_settings_page_fn');

 // css & js
 add_action( 'load-'. $wptuts_settings_page, 'wptuts_settings_scripts' );
What does the js code say? Look inside the twentyeleven/lib/js folder and open the file you see inside: wptuts_theme_settings.js in your code editor.
 var error_msg = jQuery("#message p[class='setting-error-message']");
 // look for admin messages with the "setting-error-message" error class
 if (error_msg.length != 0) {
  // get the title
  var error_setting = error_msg.attr('title');

  // look for the label with the "for" attribute=setting title and give it an "error" class (style this in the css file!)
  jQuery("label[for='" + error_setting + "']").addClass('error');

  // look for the input with id=setting title and add a red border to it.
  jQuery("input[id='" + error_setting + "']").attr('style', 'border-color: red');
We look for any admin messages with the class setting-error-message. If we have any displaying on the page, we proceed and get the error message title attribute. This will always match a setting label (for attribute) and an input form field (id attribute). All is left to do, is add an error class to the label and a border style to the input form field. Note that the error class is then styled in the css file (twentyeleven/lib/css/wptuts_theme_settings.css). When you open the css file you'll see it is practically empty. Use it as you want to add further stylling to your settings page.

Check the result (again)

If you have followed the above successfully, then error settings should be highlighted red when error admin messages display like you see below.

"The final code described in this step is found in the Part One/source_ files/step7/ my-theme-settings.php folder"

Step 7 Contextual Help

The final Step 7 in this tutorial will touch on adding contextual help to our settings page. This additional information will be located inside the panel that slides open when you click on the "Help" tab located at the top right of your admin screen. What we need to do, is write the text we want and then tell WordPress where we want it displayed.

Write the text

Open your my-theme-options.php file in your code editor. Copy and paste the function you see below
* Contextual Help
function wptuts_options_page_contextual_help() {

 $text  = "&lt;h3>" . __('Wptuts Settings - Contextual Help','wptuts_textdomain') . "&lt;/h3>";
 $text  .= "&lt;p>" . __('Contextual help goes here. You may want to use different html elements to format your text as you want.','wptuts_textdomain') . "&lt;/p>";

 // return text
 return $text;

Let WordPress know where to display it

First we need to adjust our helper wptuts_get_settings() function to include a value for $output['wptuts_contextual_help'].
The code given below and for the remaining part of Step 7 should be written in the my-theme-settings.php file.
* Helper function for defining variables for the current page
* @return array
function wptuts_get_settings() {

 $output = array();

 // put together the output array
 $output['wptuts_option_name']   = 'wptuts_options';
 $output['wptuts_page_title']   = __( 'Wptuts Settings Page','wptuts_textdomain');
 $output['wptuts_page_sections']  = wptuts_options_page_sections();
 $output['wptuts_page_fields']   = wptuts_options_page_fields();
 $output['wptuts_contextual_help']  = wptuts_options_page_contextual_help();

return $output;
Then we adjust our wptuts_add_menu() function one last time. We call the add_contextual_help() function which takes in two parameters: $screen (our setting page) and $text (the help text we output from wptuts_options_page_contextual_help())
* The Admin menu page
function wptuts_add_menu(){

 $settings_output   = wptuts_get_settings();
 // collect our contextual help text
 $wptuts_contextual_help = $settings_output['wptuts_contextual_help'];

 // Display Settings Page link under the "Appearance" Admin Menu
 $wptuts_settings_page = add_theme_page(__('Wptuts Options'), __('Wptuts Options','wptuts_textdomain'), 'manage_options', WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME, 'wptuts_settings_page_fn');
  // contextual help
  if ($wptuts_settings_page) {
   add_contextual_help( $wptuts_settings_page, $wptuts_contextual_help );
  // css & js
  add_action( 'load-'. $wptuts_settings_page, 'wptuts_settings_scripts' );

Check the result

If you have followed the above successfully, then our contextual help test should display inside the "Help" tab like you see below.

Using the theme settings in our theme

Last but not least we want to look into how we can go about using our theme settings in our theme template files. Copy and paste the following code in the twentyeleven/functions.php after the twentyeleven_setup() function.
* Collects our theme options
* @return array
function wptuts_get_global_options(){

 $wptuts_option = array();

 $wptuts_option  = get_option('wptuts_options');

return $wptuts_option;

* Call the function and collect in variable
* Should be used in template files like this:
* &lt;?php echo $wptuts_option['wptuts_txt_input']; ?>
* Note: Should you notice that the variable ($wptuts_option) is empty when used in certain templates such as header.php, sidebar.php and footer.php
* you will need to call the function (copy the line below and paste it) at the top of those documents (within php tags)!
$wptuts_option = wptuts_get_global_options();
Our settings were saved in a single array with the option name wptuts_options. To retrieve them we call get_option('wptuts_options'). As you can see this is done inside our wptuts_get_global_options() fuction whose output is collected in the $wptuts_option variable. Note: If you feel that the wptuts_get_global_options() function is somewhat redundant, don't. It's use will make more sense once you go through Part Two of this series. Echo a particular option in any of your theme templates like this: &lt;?php echo $wptuts_option['wptuts_txt_input']; ?> - the value in the brackets is the id of the option you want to display.

Worth noting

You will notice that when you try to echo the above in the header.php, sidebar.php and footer.php templates nothing happens! This is not the case in other WordPress templates (index.php, page.php etc.). Try it out for yourself to see.
Copy and paste the following in the twentyeleven/header.php after the &lt;body> tag and see how it returns NULL on the front-end.
&lt;pre>&lt;?php var_dump($wptuts_option);?>&lt;/pre>
Now copy and paste the following just after the wp_head(); call.
$wptuts_option = wptuts_get_global_options();
Note how the variable now returns all our theme settings. Just remember this when you try to display options from your theme settings in your header.php, sidebar.php and footer.php theme templates.

Up next... Part Two

Hope you enjoyed Part One and I look forward to reading your comments on what you thought about it. Part Two (coming tomorrow!) will show how we can create Top Level Admin menus with more than one setting pages. We will throw in some tabs too so you can see how a settings page with tabs can be created."
read more

Using the Settings API – Part 2: Create A Top Level Admin Menu

"This is Part Two of “Create Theme Settings Pages that use the Settings API” tutorial. In this part, we will be looking into how we can create a top level admin menu with more than one settings pages as well as how we can add tabs when we need them. If you have not yet had the chance to read Part One, you may want to do that first before you continue. This tutorial builds on the code shown in the first part of this tutorial.

A look at what we will be creating

Just like we did in Part One lets take a look at how the finished result looks like. We will be using the twentyeleven WordPress 3.2 default theme again however feel free to use your own theme if you prefer.
  1. Download the Source files and unzip
  2. Find the Part Two/source_files/lib folder and upload it inside the twentyeleven theme folder so that it is on the same level as the twentyeleven/js folder you see.
  3. Then, open the Part Two/source_files/functions.php in a code editor and copy the require_once code line.
  4. Next, open the twentyeleven/functions.php in your code editor. Find the twentyeleven_setup() function around line 74 and paste the line you copied earlier (point 3) inside the function as you see shown below. This will replace the previous require_once() line of code you added in Part One.
function twentyeleven_setup() {

 //require only in admin!
Upon completing this step you should be able to see the Wptuts Settings top-level menu in your Admin area. You will notice the two menu links: Options Page One and Options Page Two. Options Page One is exactly the same settings page you created in Part One so go directly to Options Page Two Following the Wptuts Settings Page Two title you see four tabs with their individual settings fields. To keep things simple and help you concentrate on the code required to create multiple pages and tabs you will notice that the settings are the same as those you see on Options Page One.
Now that you see what the finished result looks like, let’s learn how we can re-create it step by step.

“The final code described in this step is found in the Part Two/source_ files/step1 folder”

Step 1 Registering the administration pages

This step is about creating a top level admin menu and registering two settings pages.
We will be using the same my-theme-settings.php document you were working with previously in Part One so go ahead and open that file in your code editor.

Register the top level menu

We will edit the existing wptuts_add_menu() function by adding a call to the add_menu_page(). We will add this right after we collect our contextual help like you see done below.
* The admin menu pages
function wptuts_add_menu(){

 $settings_output   = wptuts_get_settings();
 // collect our contextual help text
 $wptuts_contextual_help = $settings_output['wptuts_contextual_help'];

 // As a "top level" menu
 // add_menu_page( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function, $icon_url, $position );
 add_menu_page( __('Wptuts Settings'), __('Wptuts Settings','wptuts_textdomain'), 'manage_options', WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME, 'wptuts_settings_page_fn');

 // old code follows below
Understand the add_menu_page() parameters
Take note of the add_menu_page() function parameters so you can later on customize the function call to your needs. The information is taken from the Codex page:
  • $page_title – The text to be displayed in the title tag of the page when the menu is selected
  • $menu_title – The text to be used for the menu
  • $capability – The capability required for this menu to be displayed to the user.
  • $menu_slug – The slug name to refer to this menu by (should be unique for this menu). (Note the use of our WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME constant!)
  • $function – The callback function to output the content for this page.
  • $icon_url – The url to the icon to be used for this menu. This parameter is optional. (We did not include this paramenter)
  • $position – The position in the menu order this menu should appear. (We did not include this paramenter)

Register the pages

Next, we will replace the existing add_theme_page() call with the add_submenu_page() function to register our first settings page. Then, we will register a second page as you see shown below.
* The admin menu pages
function wptuts_add_menu(){

 $settings_output   = wptuts_get_settings();
 // collect our contextual help text
 $wptuts_contextual_help = $settings_output['wptuts_contextual_help'];

 // As a "top level" menu
 // add_menu_page( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function, $icon_url, $position );
 add_menu_page( __('Wptuts Settings'), __('Wptuts Settings','wptuts_textdomain'), 'manage_options', WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME, 'wptuts_settings_page_fn');

 // page one
 // add_submenu_page( $parent_slug, $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function );
 $wptuts_settings_page = add_submenu_page(WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME, __('Wptuts Settings | Options'), __('Options Page One','wptuts_textdomain'), 'manage_options', WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME, 'wptuts_settings_page_fn');
  // contextual help
  if ($wptuts_settings_page) {
   add_contextual_help( $wptuts_settings_page, $wptuts_contextual_help );
  // css & js
  add_action( 'load-'. $wptuts_settings_page, 'wptuts_settings_scripts' );

 // page two
 $wptuts_settings_page_two = add_submenu_page(WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME, __('Wptuts Settings | Options Page Two', 'wptuts_textdomain'), __('Options Page Two','wptuts_textdomain'), 'manage_options', WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME . '-page-two', 'wptuts_settings_page_fn');
  // contextual help
  if ($wptuts_settings_page_two) {
   add_contextual_help( $wptuts_settings_page_two, $wptuts_contextual_help );
  // css & js
  add_action( 'load-'. $wptuts_settings_page_two, 'wptuts_settings_scripts' );
Note the variable names used for page two. When you customize this later you may want to use names that are more descriptive of the theme settings they contain. You can repeat the code we used for registering page two as many times as the number of settings pages you want to create. Take care to edit the page titles and variables accordingly. To help you in this, compare the code block for registering page one to the code block used for registering page two. Note which parameters change and which remain constant. Imitate this for any other pages you may want to create.
Understand the add_submenu_page() parameters
Take note of the add_submenu_page() function parameters so you can later on customize the function call to your needs. The information is taken from the Codex page:
  • $page_title – The text to be displayed in the title tag of the page when the menu is selected
  • $menu_title – The text to be used for the menu
  • $capability – The capability required for this menu to be displayed to the user.
  • $menu_slug – The slug name to refer to this menu by (should be unique for this menu). (Note the use of our WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME constant!)
  • $function – The callback function to output the content for this page.

Check the result

Do you still have a copy of my-theme-options.php file from Part One in your twentyeleven/lib folder? If you don’t, upload the one (my-theme-options.php) you were working with during the first part of this tutorial or the one you find in Part One/source_files/step7 folder, before you open your WordPress admin in your browser.
If you have followed the above successfully, this is how your settings page should look like at this point. Note that the page content will be the same for both pages. This is to be expected as we have not yet defined or registered the settings for the second page. This we will do in Steps 2 and 3.

Step 2 Defining the settings for each settings page

“The final code described in this step is found in the Part Two/source_ files/step2 folder”
Now that we have our settings pages in place we need to tell WordPress the settings, sections and fields we want to register and whitelist i.e. sanitize for each individual settings page. You may recall that the wptuts_register_settings() function (located in my-theme-settings.php) does exactly that for one settings page but how do we handle multiple pages? And what if we want to display a page’s settings in tabs?
The approach we will take is this: Let WordPress know which page – and when using tabs, which tab – we are currently viewing and based on that register, display and save the settings needed for the current settings page. Note that when saving the settings, we will save the settings only displayed on the page or tab we currently have open.
Especially those of you familiar with the excellent Incorporating the Settings API in WordPress Themes tutorial by Chip Bennett take extra note of this: The action of saving the settings will require that each page and tab saves it’s settings under it’s own unique option name (as used in a get_option() function call)! This need not necessarily be taken as a negative thing. It is simply a different approach; one that is required because we register, display and save only those settings under the current page or tab. Whether this is the best approach for you to take in a specific project can only be determined by the project at hand and the number of pages/tabs you need to create. So please, do keep an open mind as you read on.
The first thing we need is a couple of new helper functions. One function should be able to return the current settings page and another function the current tab. I’ve decided to keep these in a separate document so let’s create that first.

Prepare a new Document with some helper functions

Create a new document in your code editor and call it wptuts-helper-functions.php. Copy and paste in it the three functions given below then, upload it inside the twentyeleven/lib folder. Each function is explained before the next is given.
The code given below should be written in the wptuts-helper-functions.php file.
* Helper function: Check for pages and return the current page name
* @return string
function wptuts_get_admin_page() {
 global $pagenow;

 // read the current page
 $current_page = trim($_GET['page']);

 // use a different way to read the current page name when the form submits
 if ($pagenow == 'options.php') {
  // get the page name
  $parts  = explode('page=', $_POST['_wp_http_referer']); // http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_referer_field
  $page   = $parts[1];

  // account for the use of tabs (we do not want the tab name to be part of our return value!)
  $t   = strpos($page,"&");

  if($t !== FALSE) {
   $page  = substr($parts[1],0,$t);

  $current_page = trim($page);

return $current_page;
The first helper function will return the current page name. We depend on the $_GET superglobal. The variable will return the page name we are currently viewing – e.g. wptuts-settings as shown in the ?page=wptuts-settings part of the page URL.
However, when we save the settings our $_GET variable will not be able to return the settings page name we expect (it will actually return a NULL value). Why? Well, when we save our settings WordPress will send a POST request to options.php and at that moment we no longer have ?page=wptuts-settings as part of our page URL. What now? WordPress includes the page name in the $_POST['_wp_http_referer'] variable. Using the $pagenow WordPress global we can check when options.php is called and return the value stored in $_POST['_wp_http_referer']
* Helper function: Set default tab
* @return string
function wptuts_default_tab() {
 // find current page
 $current_page = wptuts_get_admin_page();

 // There may be times when the first tab has a different slug from page to page. Here is where you can override the $default_tab = 'general'; Gives you more control :)
 // if our current page is the 'wptuts-settings-page-two' page then set the default tab to 'text-inputs'
 if ($current_page == 'wptuts-settings-page-two') {
  $default_tab = 'text-inputs';

 // if you have more settings pages with a first tab slug other than "general" continue with an
 //}elseif($current_page == 'your-page-slug'){
 //conditional here.

 // else fallback to the "general" tab.
 } else {
  $default_tab = 'general';
return $default_tab;
This second helper function returns the default tab name. It it useful when your default tab slug is not always called general. To customize the function to your needs later, please take a moment to read through the comments left in the code.
* Helper function: Check for tabs and return the current tab name
* @return string
function wptuts_get_the_tab() {
 global $pagenow;

 // set default tab
 $default_tab  = wptuts_default_tab();

 // read the current tab when on our settings page
 $current_tab  = (isset($_GET['tab']) ? $_GET['tab'] : $default_tab);

 //use a different way to read the tab when the form submits
 if ($pagenow == 'options.php') {
  // need to read the tab name so we explode()!
  $parts  = explode('&tab=', $_POST['_wp_http_referer']); // http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_referer_field
  // count the "exploded" parts
  $partsNum = count($parts);

  // account for "&settings-updated=true" (we do not want that to be part of our return value!)
   // is it "&settings-updated=true" there? - check for the "&"
   $settings_updated = strpos($parts[1],"&");

   // filter it out and get the tab name
   $tab_name = ($settings_updated !== FALSE ? substr($parts[1],0,$settings_updated) : $parts[1]);

  // use if found, otherwise pass the default tab name
  $current_tab = ($partsNum == 2 ? trim($tab_name) : $default_tab);

return $current_tab
The third helper function returns the current tab name. Similar to what we did in the wptuts_get_admin_page() function we use the $_GET superglobal for reading the current tab name when the settings display and the $_POST['_wp_http_referer'] variable for reading the tab name when the settings save.
Remember to save the three functions shown above in the wptuts-helper-functions.php and upload it inside the twentyeleven/lib folder.

Define those settings

Time to define page tabs, settings sections and fields and contextual help for each settings page. We actually have the settings needed for “Options Page One” already from Part One of this tutorial. The sections, fields and contextual help fuctions are defined in my-theme-options.php and we will leave those as they are. What we will do now is define settings for “Options Page Two”.
The “Options Page Two” settings page will devide it’s settings into tabs. Create a new document called my-theme-options-two.php then copy and paste in it the functions given below. Each function is explained after the code is given.
Define the page tabs
* Define page tabs
* $tabs['tab-slug']  = __('Tab Name', 'wpShop');
function wptuts_options_two_page_tabs() {

 $tabs = array();

 $tabs['text-inputs']  = __('Text Inputs', 'wpShop');
 $tabs['textareas']   = __('Textareas', 'wpShop');
 $tabs['select']   = __('Select', 'wpShop');
 $tabs['checkboxes']  = __('Checkboxes', 'wpShop');

 return $tabs;
The tab array should have as value, the tab name as it will appear on each tab and as key, the tab slug as it will appear as part of the page URL as in &tab=tab-name
Define settings sections for each tab
* Define our settings sections
* array key=$id, array value=$title in: add_settings_section( $id, $title, $callback, $page );
* @return array
function wptuts_options_two_page_sections() {
 // we change the output based on open tab

 // get the current tab
 $tab = wptuts_get_the_tab();

 // switch sections array according to tab
 switch ($tab) {
  // Text Inputs
  case 'text-inputs':
   $sections = array();
   $sections['txt_section']   = __('Text Form Fields', 'wptuts_textdomain');

  // Textareas
       case 'textareas':
   $sections = array();
   $sections['txtarea_section']  = __('Textarea Form Fields', 'wptuts_textdomain');

  // Select
       case 'select':
   $sections = array();
   $sections['select_section']  = __('Select Form Fields', 'wptuts_textdomain');

  // Checkboxes
       case 'checkboxes':
   $sections = array();
   $sections['checkbox_section']  = __('Checkbox Form Fields', 'wptuts_textdomain');

return $sections;
The sections array is much the same as we defined it for “Options Page One” – my-theme-options.php – in that it returns an associative array where the value, is the section title and the key, the section id. However, the sections array output changes according to the current open tab. Note the tab switch.
// get the current tab
$tab = wptuts_get_the_tab();

// switch sections array according to tab
 switch ($tab) {
 // Text Inputs
 case 'text-inputs':


 // Textareas
 case 'textareas':


 // Select
 case 'select':


 // Checkboxes
 case 'checkboxes':

Each case is the tab slug – the array key from our wptuts_options_two_page_tabs() function. When you customize this function later you will need to create a new case for each tab you define.
The wptuts_get_the_tab() function you see called before the switch was defined in our wptuts-helper-functions.php. It helps us “read” the current tab name – the &tab=tab-name part of the page URL and passes that on to the $tab variable.
// get the current tab
$tab = wptuts_get_the_tab();
Define settings fields for each tab
* Define our form fields (options)
* @return array
function wptuts_options_two_page_fields() {

 // get the tab using wptuts_get_the_tab() for we need options.php to be able to process the form submission!
 $tab = wptuts_get_the_tab();

 // setting fields according to tab
 switch ($tab) {
  // Text Inputs
  case 'text-inputs':
   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "txt_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_txt_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'Text Input - Some HTML OK!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'A regular text input field. Some inline HTML (&lt;a>, &lt;b>, &lt;em>, &lt;i>, &lt;strong>) is allowed.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "text",
    "std"     => __('Some default value','wptuts_textdomain')

   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "txt_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_nohtml_txt_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'No HTML!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'A text input field where no html input is allowed.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "text",
    "std"     => __('Some default value','wptuts_textdomain'),
    "class"   => "nohtml"

   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "txt_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_numeric_txt_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'Numeric Input', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'A text input field where only numeric input is allowed.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "text",
    "std"     => "123",
    "class"   => "numeric"

   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "txt_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_multinumeric_txt_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'Multinumeric Input', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'A text input field where only multible numeric input (i.e. comma separated numeric values) is allowed.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "text",
    "std"     => "123,234,345",
    "class"   => "multinumeric"

   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "txt_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_url_txt_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'URL Input', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'A text input field which can be used for urls.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "text",
    "std"     => "http://wp.tutsplus.com",
    "class"   => "url"

   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "txt_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_email_txt_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'Email Input', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'A text input field which can be used for email input.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "text",
    "std"     => "email@email.com",
    "class"   => "email"

   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "txt_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_multi_txt_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'Multi-Text Inputs', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'A group of text input fields', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "multi-text",
    "choices" => array( __('Text input 1','wptuts_textdomain') . "|txt_input1", __('Text input 2','wptuts_textdomain') . "|txt_input2", __('Text input 3','wptuts_textdomain') . "|txt_input3", __('Text input 4','wptuts_textdomain') . "|txt_input4"),
    "std"     => ""

  // Textareas
  case 'textareas':
   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "txtarea_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_txtarea_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'Textarea - HTML OK!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'A textarea for a block of text. HTML tags allowed!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "textarea",
    "std"     => __('Some default value','wptuts_textdomain')

   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "txtarea_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_nohtml_txtarea_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'No HTML!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'A textarea for a block of text. No HTML!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "textarea",
    "std"     => __('Some default value','wptuts_textdomain'),
    "class"   => "nohtml"

   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "txtarea_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_allowlinebreaks_txtarea_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'No HTML! Line breaks OK!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'No HTML! Line breaks allowed!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "textarea",
    "std"     => __('Some default value','wptuts_textdomain'),
    "class"   => "allowlinebreaks"

   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "txtarea_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_inlinehtml_txtarea_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'Some inline HTML ONLY!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'A textarea for a block of text.
       Only some inline HTML
       (&lt;a>, &lt;b>, &lt;em>, &lt;strong>, &lt;abbr>, &lt;acronym>, &lt;blockquote>, &lt;cite>, &lt;code>, &lt;del>, &lt;q>, &lt;strike>)
       is allowed!', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "textarea",
    "std"     => __('Some default value','wptuts_textdomain'),
    "class"   => "inlinehtml"

  // Select
  case 'select':
   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "select_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_select_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'Select (type one)', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'A regular select form field', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "select",
    "std"    => "3",
    "choices" => array( "1", "2", "3")

   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "select_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_select2_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'Select (type two)', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'A select field with a label for the option and a corresponding value.', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "select2",
    "std"    => "",
    "choices" => array( __('Option 1','wptuts_textdomain') . "|opt1", __('Option 2','wptuts_textdomain') . "|opt2", __('Option 3','wptuts_textdomain') . "|opt3", __('Option 4','wptuts_textdomain') . "|opt4")

  // Checkboxes
  case 'checkboxes':
   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "checkbox_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_checkbox_input_2",
    "title"   => __( 'Checkbox', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'Some Description', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "checkbox",
    "std"     => 1 // 0 for off

   $options[] = array(
    "section" => "checkbox_section",
    "id"      => WPTUTS_SHORTNAME . "_multicheckbox_inputs_2",
    "title"   => __( 'Multi-Checkbox', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "desc"    => __( 'Some Description', 'wptuts_textdomain' ),
    "type"    => "multi-checkbox",
    "std"     => 0,
    "choices" => array( __('Checkbox 1','wptuts_textdomain') . "|chckbx1", __('Checkbox 2','wptuts_textdomain') . "|chckbx2", __('Checkbox 3','wptuts_textdomain') . "|chckbx3", __('Checkbox 4','wptuts_textdomain') . "|chckbx4")

 return $options;
The fields array is much same as we defined it for “Options Page One”. You will notice that I even left the $options[] = array() arguments the same with the option id the only exception (I simply added a _2) The important point to take home here is that the fields array output changes according to the current open tab like we did in our wptuts_options_two_page_sections() function. Note the tab switch.
// get the current tab
$tab = wptuts_get_the_tab();

// setting fields according to tab
 switch ($tab) {
 // Text Inputs
 case 'text-inputs':


 // Textareas
 case 'textareas':


 // Select
 case 'select':


 // Checkboxes
 case 'checkboxes':

Each case is the tab slug – the array keys from our wptuts_options_two_page_tabs() function. When you customize this function later you will need to create a new case for each tab you define.
Again, you see the wptuts_get_the_tab() function called before the switch. It helps us “read” the current tab name – the &tab=tab-name part of the page URL and passes that on to the $tab variable.
// get the current tab
$tab = wptuts_get_the_tab();
Define contextual help for each tab
Following the same pattern of switching the array output according to the current open tab, we define each tab’s contextual help.
* Contextual Help
function wptuts_options_two_page_contextual_help() {
 // get the current tab
 $tab = wptuts_get_the_tab();

 $text  = "&lt;h3>" . __('Wptuts Settings Page Two - Contextual Help','wptuts_textdomain') . "&lt;/h3>";

 // contextual help according to tab
 switch ($tab) {
  // Text Inputs
  case 'text-inputs':
   $text  .= "&lt;p>" . __('Contextual help for the "Text Input" settings fields goes here.','wptuts_textdomain') . "&lt;/p>";

  // Textareas
  case 'textareas':
   $text  .= "&lt;p>" . __('Contextual help for the "Textarea" settings fields goes here.','wptuts_textdomain') . "&lt;/p>";

  // Select
  case 'select':
   $text  .= "&lt;p>" . __('Contextual help for the "Select" settings fields goes here.','wptuts_textdomain') . "&lt;/p>";

  // Checkboxes
  case 'checkboxes':
   $text  .= "&lt;p>" . __('Contextual help for the "Checkboxes" settings fields goes here.','wptuts_textdomain') . "&lt;/p>";

 // must return text! NOT echo
 return $text;
All the settings code given above should be now written in your my-theme-options-two.php file. Save it and upload it inside the twentyeleven/lib folder

Step 3 Registering the tabs and settings for each settings page

“The final code described in this step is found in the Part Two/source_ files/step3 folder”
Now that our page settings are all nicely defined, let’s tell WordPress to display them.

Include the new Documents we created in Step 2

We want to use our new helper functions and settings in our my-theme-settings.php file so let’s include the new wptuts-helper-functions.php and my-theme-options-two.php files. Find the existing require_once('my-theme-options.php'); code line and adjust as you see below.
The code given below should be written in the my-theme-settings.php file.
* Include the required files
// helper functions
// page settings sections & fields as well as the contextual help text.

Adjust the wptuts_get_settings() function

Time to adjust the existing wptuts_get_settings() helper function to retrieve our settings based on the page or tab we currently have open.
* Helper function for defining variables for the current page
* @return array
function wptuts_get_settings() {

 $output = array();

 // get current page
 $page = wptuts_get_admin_page();

 // get current tab
 $tab = wptuts_get_the_tab();

 // define variables according to registered admin menu page
 switch ($page) {
   $wptuts_option_name   = 'wptuts_options';
   $wptuts_settings_page_title = __( 'Wptuts Settings Page','wptuts_textdomain');
   $wptuts_page_sections   = wptuts_options_page_sections();
   $wptuts_page_fields   = wptuts_options_page_fields();
   $wptuts_contextual_help  = wptuts_options_page_contextual_help();
   $wptuts_page_tabs   = '';

  case WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME . '-page-two':
   $wptuts_option_name   = 'wptuts_options_two';
   $wptuts_settings_page_title = __( 'Wptuts Settings Page Two','wptuts_textdomain');
   $wptuts_page_sections   = wptuts_options_two_page_sections();
   $wptuts_page_fields   = wptuts_options_two_page_fields();
   $wptuts_contextual_help  = wptuts_options_two_page_contextual_help();
   $wptuts_page_tabs    = wptuts_options_two_page_tabs();

   // define a new option name according to tab
   switch ($tab) {
    // Text Inputs
    case 'text-inputs':
     $wptuts_option_name = $wptuts_option_name . '_text_inputs';

    // Textareas
    case 'textareas':
     $wptuts_option_name = $wptuts_option_name . '_textareas';

    // Select
    case 'select':
     $wptuts_option_name = $wptuts_option_name . '_select';

    // Checkboxes
    case 'checkboxes':
     $wptuts_option_name = $wptuts_option_name . '_checkboxes';

 // put together the output array
 $output['wptuts_option_name']   = $wptuts_option_name;
 $output['wptuts_page_title']   = $wptuts_settings_page_title;
 $output['wptuts_page_tabs']   = $wptuts_page_tabs;
 $output['wptuts_page_sections']  = $wptuts_page_sections;
 $output['wptuts_page_fields']   = $wptuts_page_fields;
 $output['wptuts_contextual_help']  = $wptuts_contextual_help;

return $output;
Breaking-down the code
We fill our $output array with the option name, page title, page tabs, settings sections, settings fields and contextual help. The values of the six array keys change based on the settings page or tab we currently have open.
First we have a page switch
switch ($page) {


 case WPTUTS_PAGE_BASENAME . '-page-two':

You will need to create a new case for each settings page you register in the wptuts_add_menu() function. (Note that the case must match the $menu_slug parameter in the add_submenu_page() function call.)
Each case defines the option name and page title with the appropriate string value. The page tabs, settings sections, settings fields and contextual help variables are defined by calling the appropriate functions that give the corresponding output. (You recall that the functions are defined in a separate document – my-theme-options.php for “Options Page One” and my-theme-options-two.php for “Options Page Two”.)
Should a particular settings page not need any tabs then the $wptuts_page_tabs variable is left empty. This is done for example for “Options Page One”
 $wptuts_option_name   = 'wptuts_options';
 $wptuts_settings_page_title = __( 'Wptuts Settings Page','wptuts_textdomain');
 $wptuts_page_sections   = wptuts_options_page_sections();
 $wptuts_page_fields   = wptuts_options_page_fields();
 $wptuts_contextual_help  = wptuts_options_page_contextual_help();
 $wptuts_page_tabs   = '';
Finally we have a tab switch
// define a new option name according to tab
switch ($tab) {
 // Text Inputs
 case 'text-inputs':
  $wptuts_option_name = $wptuts_option_name . '_text_inputs';

 // Textareas
 case 'textareas':
  $wptuts_option_name = $wptuts_option_name . '_textareas';

 // Select
 case 'select':
  $wptuts_option_name = $wptuts_option_name . '_select';

 // Checkboxes
 case 'checkboxes':
  $wptuts_option_name = $wptuts_option_name . '_checkboxes';
This is only needed on settings pages that we want to use tabs. You will need to create a new case for each tab you register. (Note that the case must match the tab-slug in your tab array key.) Each case defines a new option name with the appropriate string value.

Adjust the page content output function

Finally for this step, we need to make a little adjustment to our wptuts_settings_page_fn()() function so that it displays our tabs when these are defined. Replace the existing function with the following:
* Admin Settings Page HTML
* @return echoes output
function wptuts_settings_page_fn() {
 // get the settings sections array
 $settings_output = wptuts_get_settings();
 &lt;div class="wrap">
  // dislays the page title and tabs (if needed)

  &lt;form action="options.php" method="post">
   // http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/settings_fields
   // http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/do_settings_sections

   &lt;p class="submit">
    &lt;input name="Submit" type="submit" class="button-primary" value="&lt;?php esc_attr_e('Save Changes','wptuts_textdomain'); ?>" />

&lt;?php }
We call a new function called wptuts_settings_page_header(). Let’s go ahead and define this in our wptuts-helper-functions.php file. Copy and paste the following after the wptuts_get_the_tab() function.
* Helper function: Creates settings page title and tabs (if needed)
* @return echos output
function wptuts_settings_page_header() {

   // get the tabs
   $settings_output  = wptuts_get_settings();
 $tabs     = $settings_output['wptuts_page_tabs'];

 // get the current tab
 $current_tab   = wptuts_get_the_tab();

 // display the icon and page title
 echo '&lt;div id="icon-options-general" class="icon32">&lt;br />&lt;/div>';
 echo '&lt;h2>' . $settings_output['wptuts_page_title'] . '&lt;/h2>';

 // check for tabs
 if ($tabs !='') {
  // wrap each in anchor html tags
  $links = array();
  foreach( $tabs as $tab => $name ) {
   // set anchor class
   $class   = ($tab == $current_tab ? 'nav-tab nav-tab-active' : 'nav-tab');
   $page   = $_GET['page'];
   // the link
   $links[]  = "&lt;a class='$class' href='?page=$page&tab=$tab'>$name&lt;/a>";

  echo '&lt;h3 class="nav-tab-wrapper">';
   foreach ( $links as $link ) {
    echo $link;
  echo '&lt;/h3>';
Breaking-down the code
We collect our tabs by calling the wptuts_get_settings() helper function.
// get the tabs
$settings_output  = wptuts_get_settings();
$tabs     = $settings_output['wptuts_page_tabs'];
Then, we get the current tab with the wptuts_get_the_tab() helper function.
// get the current tab
$current_tab   = wptuts_get_the_tab();
We echo the icon and page title.
// display the icon and page title
echo '&lt;div id="icon-options-general" class="icon32">&lt;br />&lt;/div>';
echo '&lt;h2>' . $settings_output['wptuts_page_title'] . '&lt;/h2>';
If we have tabs defined, we display them too.
// check for tabs
if ($tabs !='') {
 // wrap each in anchor html tags
 $links = array();
 foreach( $tabs as $tab => $name ) {
  // set anchor class
  $class   = ($tab == $current_tab ? 'nav-tab nav-tab-active' : 'nav-tab');
  $page   = $_GET['page'];
  // the link
  $links[]  = "&lt;a class='$class' href='?page=$page&tab=$tab'>$name&lt;/a>";

 echo '&lt;h3 class="nav-tab-wrapper">';
  foreach ( $links as $link ) {
   echo $link;
 echo '&lt;/h3>';
The tab code should be familiar to those of you who went through the Incorporating the Settings API in WordPress Themes tutorial by Chip Bennett

Check the result

If you have followed the above successfully, your “Options Page Two” should display it’s tabs like you see below.

Collecting the theme options together for use in our theme

The last thing we need to do before we conclude Part Two of this tutorial is to collect together the theme options we saved for each settings page and tab in our $wptuts_option variable. To do this we need to adjust the wptuts_get_global_options() function we wrote in twentyeleven/functions.php in Part One
* Collects our theme options
* @return array
function wptuts_get_global_options(){

 $wptuts_option = array();

 // collect option names as declared in wptuts_get_settings()
 $wptuts_option_names = array (

 // loop for get_option
 foreach ($wptuts_option_names as $wptuts_option_name) {
  if (get_option($wptuts_option_name)!= FALSE) {
   $option  = get_option($wptuts_option_name);

   // now merge in main $wptuts_option array!
   $wptuts_option = array_merge($wptuts_option, $option);

return $wptuts_option;
Breaking-down the code
We take each option name we defined per page and tab.
// collect option names as declared in wptuts_get_settings()
$wptuts_option_names = array (
We then call the get_option() function for each and merge them in one big array which we then output
// loop for get_option
 foreach ($wptuts_option_names as $wptuts_option_name) {
  if (get_option($wptuts_option_name)!= FALSE) {
   $option  = get_option($wptuts_option_name);

   // now merge in main $wptuts_option array!
   $wptuts_option = array_merge($wptuts_option, $option);
As mentioned in Part One, echo a particular option in any of your theme templates like this: &lt;?php echo $wptuts_option['wptuts_txt_input']; ?> – the value in the brackets is the id of the option you want to display.
This concludes Part Two of our tutorial. Hope you enjoyed reading it!"
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