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The Top 25 Facebook Pages People Like Most

The Top 25 Facebook Pages People Like Most: "

The Facebook Pages with the largest number of fans are almost entirely relegated to entertainment — including musicians, actors, television shows and movies. According to Inside Facebook’s tool PageData, which counts how many fans Pages acquire, only seven of the Top 25 Pages on Facebook do not fall into this category.

The last time we took a look at the status of the Top 25 Pages on Facebook it was six months after Pages were introduced in 2008, when the U.S. presidential election was in full swing. Back then, candidate Barack Obama was on top with 834,550 fans while candidates Hillary Clinton and John McCain made do with less than 200,000 a piece.

Politics only holds people’s attention for so long, it seems — the rest of the Pages were largely related to entertainment as well, primarily musicians.

Top 25 Facebook Pages

1. Texas Hold’em Poker – 19,440,702 people

2. Michael Jackson – 12,672,924 people

3. Mafia Wars – 12,540,270 people

4. Facebook – 9,737,014 people

5. Barack Obama – 8,773,340 people

6. Family Guy – 8,622,916 people

7. Vin Diesel - 8,514,437 people

8. Lady Gaga – 8,377,202 people

9. Starbucks – 7,671,258 people

10. Megan Fox – 7,120,146 people

11. House – 6,832,881 people

12. The Twilight Saga – 6,215,718 people

13. Dr. House – 6,075,306 people

14. South Park – 5,801,264 people

15. Linkin Park – 5,785,544 people

16. Coca-Cola – 5,707,554 people

17. Will Smith – 5,339,186 people

18. YouTube – 5,297,675 people

19. Lil Wayne – 5,245,830 people

20. Taylor Swift – 5,161,578 people

21. Justin Bieber - 4,934,515 people

22. Skittles – 4,837,473 people

23. Selena Gomez – 4,820,062 people

24. Grey’s Anatomy – 4,742,629 people

25. Oreo – 4,683,850 people

Of course much has changed since 2008, not the least of which is that there is no such thing as “fans” anymore, but rather, Likes. And although now-President Obama is still on the list, he’s lost his lead to move to fifth place, with slightly more fans than two years ago: 8.7 million.

As a matter of fact, it takes at least 4.6 million fans to get onto the Top 25 Pages these days. Some notable highlights from the list:

  • Zynga’s Texas Hold’em Poker takes the cake with 19.4 million fans while Mafia Wars comes in third with 12.5 million.
  • Barack Obama is now the only politician on the list, taking number 5 with 8.7 million Likes.
  • Musicians rule in terms of raw numbers of Likes on Facebook: Michael Jackson in second place with 12.6 million fans, Lady Gaga at number 8 with 8.3 million, Linkin Park fifteenth with 5.7 million, Will Smith at seventeenth with 5.3 million, Lil Wayne nineteenth with 5.2 million, followed by Taylor Swift at number 20 with 5.1 million, then Justin Bieber at 21 with 4.9 million and number 23, Selena Gomez with 4.8 million.
  • Actors were also popular on the list: Number 7 Vin Diesel with 8.5 million LIkes, Megan Fox in tenth place with 7.1 million (technically Selena Gomez and Will Smith also count as actors).
  • Television shows: “Family Guy” in sixth place with 8.6 million Likes, “House” in eleventh place with 6.8 million, “Dr. House” at number 13 with 6 million, “South Park” follows at fourteenth with 5.8 million and “Grey’s Anatomy” at 24 with 4.7 million Likes.
  • Movies, or at least movies popular with teenagers, were also present: “The Twilight Saga” came in at number 12 with 6.2 million Likes.
  • Global consumer brands filled out the rest of the list: Facebook’s Page fourth with 9.7 million Likes, Starbucks ninth with 7.6 million, Coca-Cola at 16 with 5.7 million fans, YouTube at 18 with 5.2 million, Skittles at number 22 with 4.8 million and Oreo rounding out the list at number 25 with 4.6 million.

Judging from this most recent list, Facebook’s 2008 launch of Pages for businesses and other brands has been very successful. Pages that aren’t entertainment-related belong to global brands with millions of people around the world who Like their Pages. Some of these Pages, as well as others, are discussed in-depth in the latest edition of the Inside Facebook Marketing Bible.
