8 Unique Transition Effects Image Slider Using jQuery – AviaSlider: "
As we know jQuery is the best JavaScript library, we can do almost everything in Web. AviaSlider came up with one best 8 Unique Transition Effects image slider which is developed using jQuery. This 8 unique transition effects includes Diagonal Blocks Effect, Winding Blocks Effect, Randomized Blocks, Dropping Curtain, Fading Curtain, Fading Top Curtain, FullWidth Fade Slider, Direction Fade Slider. Its best features includes Image Preloader, Autoplay that stops on user interaction, Valid HTML5 and CSS 3 Markup, Packed version only weights 8kb, Supports linked images, works with jQuery 1.32 and higher, Lots of easy to set options to create your own effects.
It supports all major browsers and this Image Slider is successfully tested and works perfectly in Internet Explorer 6 and higher, Safari 3 and higher, Firefox 2 and higher, Opera 10 and higher, Google Chrome 3 and higher, Checks for last 3 Browsers performed on Mac & Win. You can get this Slider for $12 in Regular Licence and you can grab the same in Extended Licence at $60 from http://codecanyon.net – download