Website Walkthrough with AutoPlay | Powered by jQuery: "
Codrop is sharing a script that allows you to setup a tour on a website with jQuery. This is very useful if you want to explain to your visitors the functionality of a web application in an interactive way. The user is guided through tooltips to each of the marked sections of the application. A navigation box is used to go back and forth, start the tour and restart it. A cool feature is the “Autoplay” which automatically goes through each marked element, allowing the user to sit back and watch every step without having to click on the next button.
The steps are configured in a JSON object. The following parameters are used:
- name: the class given to the element where you want the tooltip to appear
- bgcolor: the background color of the tooltip
- color: the color of the tooltip text
- text: the text inside of the tooltip
- time: if automatic tour, then this is the time in ms for this step
- position: the position of the tip
What do you think about this feature? Do you believe it can be used for presenting your web application? Share your thoughts!