55 Apple Wallpapers For The Geeks: "
Apple is a very popular brand, especially amongst designers and tech geeks. iMacs, iPhones, MacBooks and iPads are all very popular carriers of the apple logo.
Apple-Wallpapers for the Geeks
This time we've collected 55 wallpapers for the Apple-lovers around. Some of these are official while others can be considered fan-art. Here's something for every taste with a variety of colors that you can choose from.
We hope you've found some new favorites amongst these 55 that we've picked.
Now it's Your Turn!
Which wallpaper is your favorite? Do you have any of your own that you've made and want to share with us? We'd love to hear back from you in the comments section.
For more apple-inspired wallpapers, we recommend you to visit deviantART or Flickr. Googling will also lead you in the direction of several websites where you can find more wallpapers. Good luck!
Written by: Hilde Torbjornsen for Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch | 8 comments