Circular Discography Template with jQuery: "
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Today we want to share a simple website template with you. The template will show some discography or music albums in a rounded fashion, rotating the albums when clicking on next or previous. When clicking on an album, we will open the album details view which contains a music player (jPlayer) and a playlist of some songs. There is also a description area that can be scrolled.
We will be using the following jQuery plugins and scripts that will help us with the effects and the functionality:
Audiotechnica – Testing
by audiotechnica
Coffeeeurope -Arena Blanca
by Hektor Thillet
Ramblinglibrarian – Our Resolve
by Ivan Chew
Syenta – Emerging Cry
by Syenta
Thanks to the artists for releasing their music under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) Licence!
The initial screen of the template will show some loading element, and we will preload all the images. It will show the album view with the navigation arrows lined up in a diagonal:
When clicking on one of the navigations arrows, we will rotate the album and fade in the next/previous one:
When clicking on one of the albums, we will open the album detail view with a music player, a playlist and some detailed info on the album. The background image will now change to the one we had in the circle of the album before. The music will start automatically with the first song and continue through the playlist:
We hope you like this little template and find it useful!
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