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A Guide To Creating Forms In jQuery

A Guide To Creating Forms In jQuery: "

Forms are quintessential. Creating forms in jQuery revolves around the various elements that inturn build a form. This guide walks through the details of creating the various elements, text box, list, button, checkbox radio buttons and other elements with jQuery that will help you craft your forms in jQuery.

1. jQuery Submit Selector

The :submit selector selects all elements of type submit. The :submit selector typically applies to button or input elements. Note that some browsers treat <button> element as type=”default” implicitly while others (such as Internet Explorer) do not.

2. How to select a radio button with jQuery

A simple example to select a radio button with jQuery dynamically. This tutorial explains how to select a radio button with jQuery.

3. jQuery UI Radiobutton and Checkbox-Replacement

A classic radiobutton and checkbox for the web using jQuery UI.

4. jQuery radio Selector

The jQuery radio Selector selects all elements of type radio.

5. How to tell if a checkbox is checked using jQuery

A simple way to tell if a checkbox has been checked using jQuery.

6. jQuery – Checkbox manipulation

jQuery – Checkbox manipulation provides you with various plugins for working with checkboxes.

7. jQuery custom styled checkbox

jQuery custom styled checkbox alows to create custom css styled checkboxes (and radio buttons, too). It is a replacement for the standard checkbox that allows you to change the look of checkbox elements in your page.

8. How to check and uncheck a checkbox with jQuery

jQuery is a Javascript framework which can simplify coding Javascript for a website and removes a lot of cross browser compatibility issues. Yesterday I looked at how to get and set form element values with jQuery but did not deal with checkboxes. This post looks at how to tell if an HTML form checkbox is checked or not checked with jQuery and then how to change it to be un/checked.

9. jQuery Checkbox Selector

The jQuery Checkbox selector selects all elements of type checkbox. $( :checkbox ) is equivalent to $( [type=checkbox] ). As with other pseudo-class selectors (those that begin with a :) it is recommended to precede it with a tag name or some other selector; otherwise, the universal selector (*) is implied. In other words, the bare $( :checkbox ) is equivalent to $( *:checkbox ), so $( input:checkbox ) should be used instead.

10. Paging-Listbox

Paging-listbox is yet another jQuery plugin that allows to create a wonderful user interface in forms.

11. jListbox – jquery plugin for formatted select box

jListbox is a jquery plugin to obtain a formatted select box.

12. jQuery-UI-Listbox

jQuery UI Listbox is a jQuery UI Plugin which leverages the jquery ui menu control, styled with your existing jquery ui theme, features hover highlighting, click and double click.

13. jQuery date method – Validation

This jQuery date() method, makes the element require a date. Return true, if the value is a valid date. Uses JavaScripts built-in Date to test if the date is valid, and does therefore no sanity checks. Only the format must be valid, not the actual date, eg 30/30/2008 is a valid date. Works with text inputs!

14. jQuery Date Picker Plugin

The datePicker plugin is a popup calendar widget and then some. It allows you to add popup calendars to your forms to make it easier for users of your website to enter dates.

15. jQuery Textbox Validation and the blur event

Here is another jQuery tutorial demonstrating how to perform text validations using jQuerys blur() event.

16. JQuery Textbox Hinter Plugin

3. JQuery Textbox Hinter Plugin

17. How to add or remove textbox dynamically with jQuery

At times when you want your form to be intuitive, you may want to populate your form with textboxes dynamically. In jQuery, it is quite easy to add or remove a textbox dynamically. The idea is quite simple, just combine the use of counter variable, jQuery createElement(), html() and remove() method.

18. How to get textbox value with jQuery

A simple tutorial that explains how to fetch the text box value using jQuery. This will help in processing a jQuery form.

To get the textbox value, you can use the jQuery val() function.

For example,

$(?input:textbox?).val() ? Get textbox value.

$(?input:textbox?).val(?new text message?) ? Set the textbox value.
