50+ JavaScript Tutorials For Get More Helping Techniques: "
Here we present an ultimate useful round-up about Javascript Tutorials. All the tutorials are fully helping for beginners and professionals. Actually javascript is a language which makes your page attractive and your interaction becomes stronger with the client. JavaScript / JQuery is more helpful for web developing and web page designing. It is extremely helpful to bring in money to you. Script and JQuery also play a vital role in simplifies HTML documents and JQuery is the best technology which make available to you about the latest information. On the other hand javascript is such a language which makes your page more eye-catching.
Javascript language provides you a foremost library to make your design creative and you get positive result with its help. We have many techniques for best user experience (UX). We also have large library like, jQuery, Prototype, mootools etc. Javascript is one of the most useful and language for your design as well as developing, it is the cause of its popularity in the world.
Quick Tip: Create Cross-Browser Datepickers in Minutes
In this quick tip, I’ll show you how to use the new HTML5 date input, and then provide a fallback jQuery UI solution for the browsers which don’t yet support this new input type.

Build a Spiffy Quiz Engine: New Premium Tutorial
The first official Nettuts+ quiz was a massive success with an impressive number of developers participating and evaluating their knowledge. There were a non-trivial number of comments asking how the mini quiz engine was built. And lo and behold! That’s what we’re gonna learn in this week’s Premium exclusive tutorial!
Become a Premium member to read this tutorial, as well as hundreds of other advanced tutorials and screencasts from the Tuts+ network.

Create a clean, simple slideshow using HTML, CSS and JQuery
This tutorial will show you how to create a slideshow using JQuery. The slideshow is compatible with all modern browsers, including IE, Opera and Firefox. I havent bothered making it IE6 compatible though, so if that is what you require its probably best that you look for an alternative tutorial!
The slideshow is also degradable – meaning users who have javascript disabled can still use it.

Javascript – An easy introduction
Javascript is used to add interactivity and functionality to a site. It has many uses, from detecting the viewers web browser to validating form input. It is compatible with all major web browsers, and is relatively easy to learn. This makes it one of(if not) the most popular scripting language on the internet. In other words, if you are are web developer(or aim to be) it is in your best interest to start learning Javascript now!
Javascript is a client side scripting language, which means that the script is executed by the users web browser rather than the actual web server. Just like a HTML document, when requested by the web browser the document is located and sent by the web server. It is then up to the web browser to execute the code, Javascript code is usually embedded within a HTML page, but can be written in an external file and referenced by the HTML document.

Where and how to write Javascript code
First of all, there are two ways to write your Javascript code. Lets have a look at these options. The first is by embedding the code in your HTML document. We do this by using the opening and closing script tags, defining the script type & typing our code. We seen an example of this in our introduction to Javascript article.
The second method is to write our code in an external file. This benefit of this method is that we can run the same code on multiple pages if necessary. Thus saving ourselves from repetitive strain injury!

Image Control Manipulation in JavaScript
Welcome to the home of the one and only JavaScript Guru. I will from here on our take you under my wing in the art of JavaScript. For the lesson at hand we will be beginning with an Image control in our HTML and see what we can do from there. If you do not have an Image to work with or would like to follow along in the code as well, please feel free to download the free source code located below.
Once we have created and set an image in our HTML, we must have a source for that image. What if we went ahead and were able to change the source of that Image control without the need to reload the page.

How to Speed Up Page Loading With Lazy Loading JQuery and JavaScript
In today’s lesson we will be learning how to decrease loading time on web applications with a number of videos. Usually the way things work is that a page, along with its content loads at a given speed, but nothing on the page is usable until the application is fully loaded. What we are going to be doing is load the page without any videos, and then when a video is requested by the user to view, it will load on its own, separately from the page.
First we will need to create a new project to work in. We will need an image of the video. I have taken the time to include a download link to the source code with the images and links as well. What the code will be doing is surrounding the video with an anchor tag. Then, the video will be commented out within the anchor tag. We will set the background property of the anchor tag equal to a picture of the video.

Build a Micro-Blog with SproutCore: New on Premium
SproutCore is a revolutionary JavaScript framework for creating client-side desktop-class applications that run in the browser. This tutorial will introduce you to the core concepts within SproutCore by developing a simple Twitter like micro-blog.
Become a Premium member to read this tutorial, as well as hundreds of other advanced tutorials and screencasts.

Build your Own JavaScript Library: Premium Series
Over the course of the past few years, the JavaScript community has exploded exponentially. It it’s safe to assume that libraries are the primary reason we’ve seen such astonishing growth. Thanks to these libraries, the differences between the popular browsers are minimized, making cross-browser development much easier than it used to be. We’ll build our own in this series!

Getting Started with Backbone.js
Unlike its web development peers, JavaScript has never really had much in the way of frameworks to provide structure. Thankfully, in recent years, that’s beginning to change.
Today, I’d like to introduce you to Backbone.JS, a sweet little library that makes the process of creating complex, interactive and data driven apps so much easier. It provides a clean way to surgically separate your data from your presentation.

Canvas From Scratch: Transformations and Gradients
In this article, I’m going to walk you through transformations in the canvas, as well as shadows and gradients. Transformations are an extremely valuable set of methods that allow you to start being creative with the way you draw objects on the canvas. Let’s get started after the jump!

Substring Method in JavaScript
Knowing how to manipulate strings can become one of the most helpful tools in your bag of tricks in the wonderland known as JavaScript. One of the Methods we can use that we will be discussing here today is called the Substring Method.
We used over 10 web hosting companies before we found Server Intellect. They offer dedicated servers, and they now offer cloud hosting!
The Substring Method in JavaScript can also be applied to Visual Basic, as well as Visual C Sharp, C#. What the Substring Method does is it allows you to take sections a.k.a. parse, whether its singular words or full phrases, and create a new string or unleash your will upon it. Using this in conjunction with the IndexOf Method will let you find where the variable, section of the string you are looking for, is located.

Replace Method in JavaScript
I hate to proof read my work. Now Imagine finding that you have built a site with very pertinent information, let’s say a biography , and you just so happen to spell the subjects name wrong, let’s call him Bob, but it’s actually spelled Bobb. Now your issue is that this bio is thousands of words long and the time it’s going to take you to go through and fix this word for word is going to be too much. Well, you are in luck; this is where the Replace Method comes into play using Javascript.

Setting CSS3 properties using JavaScript
Setting CSS properties using JavaScript is nothing new, and for the most part follows a very predictable path:
document.getElementById(“adiv”).style.height=”100px” //set CSS height property using JavaScript
document.body.style.backgroundColor=”yellow” //set CSS background-color property using JavaScript
You’d first access the “style” object of an element, then follow it up with the desired CSS property name to set it. If the CSS property name is hyphenated, such as “background-color”, drop the hyphen and capitalize the character following it when referring to it in JavaScript. Simple enough right? With setting CSS3 properties, technically nothing changes; the problem is knowing which property to set! You see, as browsers raced to support CSS3 properties before they’re finalized, the use of vendor prefixes was what the browsers turned to offer an “interim” solution while the details of the official properties are hashed out . All major browsers have their own vendor prefix, which are:

Preloading images and executing code only after all images have loaded
Preloading images is one of those time tested JavaScript techniques that remain popular even today for loading up images as soon as possible in the background. The idea is to kick start the process as soon as the page begins to load so that when the application in question needs to display them, such as an image rollover effect, those images will hopefully have preloaded already and be shown instantly. The following simple function preloads any number of images when called:

jQuery Tutorial – Create a Sliding Menu Using jQuery
This time we’ll be building a sleek menu using jquery and some styles. What’s beautiful about jquery is how you can change a few bits and you get an entirely new effect.

Building a 5 Star Rating System with jQuery AJAX and PHP
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to build a rating system with AJAX, PHP, and jQuery. Votes will be recorded and updated in real-time with the magic of AJAX, and we’ll also leverage the power of PHP so that you don’t even need a database!

iPhoto-like image resizing using Javascript
Upon seeing the Fluxiom intro video, I was compelled to figure out how they pulled off iPhoto-like image scaling in a browser. Leveraging the work of others, it’s actually very simple. If you use the script.aculo.us slider control to capture input values, it’s really just a matter of converting those values into something useful and modifying styles.
Note: OS X folks using Firefox will likely get some stutter, due to a crippling, 3 year old bug.

jQuery for Absolute Beginners: The Complete Series
Hi everyone! Today, I posted the final screencast in my “jQuery for Absolute Beginners” series on the ThemeForest Blog. If you’re unfamiliar – over the course of about a month, I posted fifteen video tutorials that teach you EXACTLY how to use the jQuery library. We start by downloading the library and eventually work our way up to creating an AJAX style-switcher. I’m very proud of this series; possibly more than any other that I’ve done for Envato.

10 jQuery Tutorials for Designers by webdesignerwall
This article contains 10 visual tutorials intended for web designers and newbies on how to apply Javascript effects with jQuery. In case you don’t know about jQuery, it is a “write less, do more” Javascript library. It has many Ajax and Javascript features that allow you to enhance user experience and semantic coding. Since these tutorials are focused on jQuery, I’m not going to get into the details of the CSS.

4 Jquery Easy Tips And Tricks Tutorial
I have been getting familiar with jQuery recently and the more I get into it, the more I’m impressed with it. When I first heard about jQuery I was definitely intimidated by it since I had no previous background with javascript, but I soon realized once you get the basics down its not very hard to pull of some neat effects.
Of course, to master anything it takes dedication and hard work, but for those who are on the sidelines looking in, don’t be scared to get familiar with it. Start today as I share some of the easy tips and tricks that I have picked up along the way. For those who have no idea what jQuery is, go and read up on it here.

Canvas From Scratch: Advanced Drawing
In the previous article in this series, you learned about the canvas element, and the basics for drawing on it. In this article, I’m going to demonstrate some of the more advanced drawing functionality.

Create a Dynamic Content Editing System: New Premium Tut
In this week’s in depth Premium tutorial – in both written and video formats – we are going to learn how to create a dynamic content editing system using the jQuery UI Widget Factory. We’ll go over how to develop a logical, object orientated jQuery UI Widget, transform various nodes to editable text fields, delegate events within the widget framework, manage context, toggle icons, serialize data, and of course edit, restore and delete data using jQuery’s fantastic AJAX functionality!
Become a Premium member to read this tutorial, as well as hundreds of other advanced tutorials and screencasts.

12 Useful and Handy jQuery Tips and Tricks
When I start learning jQuery, I always look for a best way to implement a code. Or sometimes, look for the simplest solution among the rest, though it’s not the elegant way to do it, but it’s easy to understand. So, now, I’m gonna show you my favourite collection of jQuery tips and tricks…

Create an Attractive Before and After Photo Effect with jQuery

Improve your jQuery – 25 excellent tips
jQuery is awesome. I’ve been using it for about a year now and although I was impressed to begin with I’m liking it more and more the longer I use it and the more I find out about it’s inner workings. I’m no jQuery expert. I don’t claim to be, so if there are mistakes in this article then feel free to correct me or make suggestions for improvements.
I’d call myself an “intermediate” jQuery user and I thought some others out there could benefit from all the little tips, tricks and techniques I’ve learned over the past year. The article also ended up being a lot longer than I thought it was going to be so I’ll start with a table of contents so you can skip to the bits you’re interested in.

Build An Incredible Login Form With jQuery
One struggle that still remains today in web design is displaying all of the redundant information on every page. For example, a login form. What if there was a way to easily make the content accessible on every page, but keep it hidden until needed? Well you can, by making a top panel that when clicked, will reveal its self and its content. But we need to make this look nice, so we’ll also animate it.

Spotlight: Constrained Stickies with jQuery
Every other week, we’ll take an ultra focused look at an interesting and useful effect, plugin, hack, library or even a nifty technology. We’ll then attempt to either deconstruct the code or create a fun little project with it. Today, we’re going to take a look at a plugin that implements a pretty neat effect — it’s pretty hard to explain in a sentence so you may as well click on the continue button to get started after the jump.

Create a Photo Admin Site Using PHP and jQuery
I’m pleased to present you with part one of a two part series on creating a photo site using PHP, jQuery, and AJAX. Originally, I intended to fit the entire tutorial into one screencast, but that quickly became a pipe dream as I realized that there was simply too much to cover. Nevertheless, even if you only watch this first video, you should learn a great deal.
We’ll be retrieving images from a database, creating a simple login form with authentication, and will then allow for our database to be asynchronously updated. Sounds good? If so, let’s get into it.

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