Download Torrents on iPhone with iTransmission [Jailbreak]: "
iTransmission is a free utility for jailbroken iOS devices that will let you download torrents directly onto your iOS device without using a computer. However, the ability to download torrents on the iPhone is not exactly something new.
Back in the days of iOS 2.x, we had a nifty little jailbreak utility called Torrentula which would let us download torrents. At that point of time, more than utility it was a matter of the iPhone can do this and that. The developers wanted to say “there’s an app for that” for every thing an iPhone could possibly do.
Currently in its alpha stage, iTransmission is a free and open source project. I tried downloading a few torrents last night and I must say I’m really impressed by what the app is already able to do. You’ll be treated with a warm BETA warning the first time you launch the app.
Not all planned features for iTransmission work at the moment. It’s probable that once in a while you’ll tap on something only to see a prompt saying this feature is unavailable at the moment. However, if you were to jump ahead and download the alpha version you surely wouldn’t be disappointed either. You can definitely download torrent files using either of your Wi-Fi or Cellular Data network.
iTransmission’s final version intends to have three ways to add torrent downloads – Direct URL, Torrent file stored on your iOS device or a Magnet link. At the moment, the second option is unavailable. So here’s what I did and so can you to start torrent downloads.
Just head over to the torrent choice of your choice using iPhone’s Safari browser, and tap and hold the torrent download link to copy the link. Now we launch iTransmission and hit the (+) icon at the bottom and select URL. Paste the URL and tap OK.

The torrent will be added to your list but will stay paused by default. Tap on Resume to start downloading.
I found the interface of the application pretty intuitive. There are four buttons at the bottom to add new torrents, refresh, bandwidth control and settings. Tapping on any torrent will show you more details about the particular torrent.

So whether it’s a power user or a noob, the app seeks to satisfy both kind of users.
By default the ability to download using your cellular data network is turned off. This is a good thing actually so you do not inadvertently shoot up your phone bills. Just hit the Preferences button (bottom right corner) and tap on cellular network to turn it on.

Another nifty feature I liked was the ability to pause and resume more than one download at once. Hit Edit in the top right corner and you’ll see the buttons at the bottom change. You’ll now have three buttons – Pause, Resume and Trash. Select the torrents first and then the required action.

How to Install iTransmission on your iPhone:
Enough showing off what I could do with iTransmission. Let’s show you how to install it on your iOS device.
To install iTransmission, you first need to add a new repo to Cydia. After that just search for iTransmission and install it the same way you install any Cydia application.
If for any reason like a network error, you are unable to download and install iTransmission you can also download the IPA file from here and then install it using Installous. I have tried both methods and either will work fine for you.
While this kind of an application will surely not be approved in the App Store any time soon by Apple, I do sincerely hope that the development on this application continues and we do see iTransmission step out of beta into a bug free fully featured release.
This article, Download Torrents on iPhone with iTransmission [Jailbreak], was originally published at