When trying to be efficient online there are many factors an App needs to be able to perform. It’s often not enough that they have a slick UI and great features. They need to be built in a way that I can integrate them without too much trouble into my daily workflow without too much disruption.
Web Apps
Here are 10 Apps that make working online a lot easier because of the smart thinking behind the Apps.Clutter-free to Do Lists
TeuxDeux This is an App I have stumbled across recently. It allows you to create to do lists, which are completely clutter-free. In a fantastic design it is a real charm to work with this App as it is often easy to be overwhelmed by a huge list of to dos.Workflow Tip: Add to do’s from your phone with the handy iPhone App.
Screencasts That Couldn't be Simpler
Screenr Screencasts often had a big and time consuming ring to it for me. No more. The browser based tool Screenr allows you to create screencasts in minutes and have them published in a high quality resolution. All your screencasts are displayed with a great overview like a blog landing page.Workflow Tip: Answer emails with a screencast where appropriate. It’s super simple with Screenr and makes for top notch customer service.
Handle Twitter Efficiently and Personally
Buffer Keeping a consistent presence on Twitter can create a powerful impact. With Buffer you can spend a few minutes each day filling up your Buffer with Tweets. They are then posted for you well spaced out over the day.Workflow Tip: Give it one click on the Buffer icon with the browser extension to add any interesting post you come across during the day.
Filesharing with One Click
Let’s Crate This app makes filesharing truly dead simple. You arrive at the page and can simply drag your files into the available box. This happens without signing up or in. You can then go and share the link immediately afterwards.Workflow Tip: If signing up you can create Crates to store files in different folders. The simplicity of drag and drop remains.
Only the Best News your Friends Recommend
StrawberryApp The App pulls in tweets and Facebook updates and shows you only the most relevant ones. This means, the most shared content will come up and you don’t have to fiddle with clutter. A very time saving way to read news.Workflow Tip: The App provides you with a daily update of top stories straight to your inbox you can subscribe to.
Know More About Your Email Contacts
Rapportive The well known gmail tool Rapportive allows you to find out more about the person sending you an email. Immediately you will see recent updates from Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. It is a great way to connect in different places without the hassle of searching.Workflow Tip: Recently the App added Twitter reply support so that you can retweet or @reply right inside gmail.
Never Get Confused with Time Zones Again
EveryTimeZone The pain of setting up a meeting with someone in a different time zone is something that always nagged me. With EveryTimeZone you will have absolutely no problem finding the matching times. The App displays all existing timezones on one page for you so you can easily find the right time.Workflow Tip: You can conveniently save fixed times next to the daily real time so you can conveniently plan ahead.
How Well is your Website Ranked?
WooRank An all time favourite of mine is WooRank. You simply drop in the URL of any page and in return you will get a report on various statistics of the site, including in-site and off-site SEO as well as site traffic and usability hints.Workflow Tip: Use WooRank to compare competitors and find similar sites in any given niche with the “similar sites' section.
Organise Meetings More Efficiently
Tungle Setting up a meeting online with individuals or a group can often be very time consuming. Dozens of emails sent back and forth with little clarification. By using Tungle you can simply allow others to pick a time in your schedule.Workflow Tip: You can include Tungle in the popular Rapportive tool, which makes it even easier for your email contacts to see your schedule.
A Super Intuitive Calendar
Coolendar Coolendar takes a completely new approach on setting up a schedule inside a calendar. Instead of fiddling with times and dates, they have created a very straightforward syntax where you define 'meeting tomorrow 5 pm' and it automatically sets it into the right slot.Workflow Tip: It ties in nicely with gmail and allows you to send a reminder in form of a Google Talk bot.
I hope some of these Apps are helpful for you, they help me a great deal to unclutter my life. How about you? Do you like any of the ones mentioned? Are there any Apps you love that save you more time online?Written by: Leo Widrich