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8 Unique Transition Effects Image Slider Using jQuery – AviaSlider

8 Unique Transition Effects Image Slider Using jQuery – AviaSlider: "
As we know jQuery is the best JavaScript library, we can do almost everything in Web. AviaSlider came up with one best 8 Unique Transition Effects image slider which is developed using jQuery. This 8 unique transition effects includes Diagonal Blocks Effect, Winding Blocks Effect, Randomized Blocks, Dropping Curtain, Fading Curtain, Fading Top Curtain, FullWidth Fade Slider, Direction Fade Slider. Its best features includes Image Preloader, Autoplay that stops on user interaction, Valid HTML5 and CSS 3 Markup, Packed version only weights 8kb, Supports linked images, works with jQuery 1.32 and higher, Lots of easy to set options to create your own effects.

It supports all major browsers and this Image Slider is successfully tested and works perfectly in Internet Explorer 6 and higher, Safari 3 and higher, Firefox 2 and higher, Opera 10 and higher, Google Chrome 3 and higher, Checks for last 3 Browsers performed on Mac & Win. You can get this Slider for $12 in Regular Licence and you can grab the same in Extended Licence at $60 from http://codecanyon.netdownload

8 Unique Transition Effects Image Slider - AviaSlider

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How to: Add wmode=”transparent” for flash object using jQuery and Native JavaScript

How to: Add wmode=”transparent” for flash object using jQuery and Native JavaScript: "
Last week, I had a problem with flash object which is rendering dynamically on to my web pages. Actual scenario to explain about this issue is that – when I am trying to get some videos on my page the basic flash object tag is rendering automatically which has not got wmode=”transparent” set by default, with that other div containers are not showing up properly. Like for example the menu layer is going beyond the flash player that is video player which looks weird for the users who are viewing the page.

I tried couple of hours by appending respective param tag [<param name="wMode" value="transparent"/>] to the object tag using jQuery. Appending of param tag is fine but there is no change in the behavior of that object tag – since I am trying to append the tag without doing any cloning method. I mean, once after appending the param tag to the object the respective object tag should be refreshed to make that flash object tag to work. The option which I am trying was not working properly.

Either we can try with two scenario’s here:

1. While retrieving the flash object tag, with jQuery check whether you have <param name=”wMode” value=”transparent”/> with the Object tag – if you could not find the same, then append the respective param tag and then put it on to your page.

2. The second scenario would be, after rendering the Object tag check for the param tag – if you could not find append the same and try to clone it and refresh the object tag accordingly using jQuery.

After searching for hours I could find two references from two different websites. One came up with native JavaScript function code and the other with jQuery code.

jQuery Code:

Key feature about this is that, just include the script in any webpage, it will change/add the wmode to transparent to embed or Object tags accordingly. Content Courtesy: Jose, you can download the js from nobilesoft.com – http://www.nobilesoft.com/Scripts/fix_wmode2transparent_swf.js

Wrote by jose.nobile@gmail.com
Free to use for any purpose
Tested at IE 7, IE 8, FF 3.5.5, Chrome 3, Safari 4, Opera 10
Tested with Object[classid and codebase] < embed >, object[classid and codebase], embed, object < embed > -> Vimeo/Youtube Videos
Please, reporte me any error / issue
function LJQ() {
var sc=document.createElement('script');
sc.id = 'script1';
sc.defer = 'defer';
window.noConflict = true;
if(typeof (jQuery) == "undefined") {
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('load', LJQ, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent('onload', LJQ);
else { // JQuery is already included
window.noConflict = false;
window.setTimeout('window.fix_wmode2transparent_swf()', 200);
window.fix_wmode2transparent_swf = function  () {
if(typeof (jQuery) == "undefined") {
window.setTimeout('window.fix_wmode2transparent_swf()', 200);
// For embed
jQuery("embed").each(function(i) {
var elClone = this.cloneNode(true);
elClone.setAttribute("WMode", "Transparent");
// For object and/or embed into objects
jQuery("object").each(function (i, v) {
var elEmbed = jQuery(this).children("embed");
if(typeof (elEmbed.get(0)) != "undefined") {
if(typeof (elEmbed.get(0).outerHTML) != "undefined") {
elEmbed.attr("wmode", "transparent");
return true;
var algo = this.attributes;
var str_tag = '<OBJECT ';
for (var i=0; i < algo.length; i++) str_tag += algo[i].name + '="' + algo[i].value + '" '; 
str_tag += '>';
var flag = false;
jQuery(this).children().each(function (elem) {
if(this.nodeName == "PARAM") {
if (this.name == "wmode") {
str_tag += '<PARAM NAME="' + this.name + '" VALUE="transparent">';  
else  str_tag += '<PARAM NAME="' + this.name + '" VALUE="' + this.value + '">';
str_tag += '<PARAM NAME="wmode" VALUE="transparent">';  
str_tag += '</OBJECT>';

Native JavaScript Code:

Website: http://www.onlineaspect.com/2009/08/13/javascript_to_fix_wmode_parameters/

HTML Sample

<object width="200" height="300" data="example.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<param name="src" value="example.swf" />

function fix_flash() {
// loop through every embed tag on the site
var embeds = document.getElementsByTagName('embed');
for(i=0; i<embeds.length; i++)  {
embed = embeds[i];
var new_embed;
// everything but Firefox & Konqueror
if(embed.outerHTML) {
var html = embed.outerHTML;
// replace an existing wmode parameter
new_embed = html.replace(/wmode\s*=\s*('|")window('|")/i,"wmode='transparent'");
// add a new wmode parameter
new_embed = html.replace(/<embed\s/i,"<embed wmode='transparent' ");
// replace the old embed object with the fixed version
} else {
// cloneNode is buggy in some versions of Safari & Opera, but works fine in FF
new_embed = embed.cloneNode(true);
if(!new_embed.getAttribute('wmode') || new_embed.getAttribute('wmode').toLowerCase()=='window')
// loop through every object tag on the site
var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object');
for(i=0; i<objects.length; i++) {
object = objects[i];
var new_object;
// object is an IE specific tag so we can use outerHTML here
if(object.outerHTML) {
var html = object.outerHTML;
// replace an existing wmode parameter
new_object = html.replace(/<param\s+name\s*=\s*('|")wmode('|")\s+value\s*=\s*('|")window('|")\s*\/?\>/i,"<param name='wmode' value='transparent' />");
// add a new wmode parameter
new_object = html.replace(/<\/object\>/i,"<param name='wmode' value='transparent' />\n</object>");
// loop through each of the param tags
var children = object.childNodes;
for(j=0; j<children.length; j++) {
if(children[j].getAttribute('name').match(/flashvars/i)) {
new_object = new_object.replace(/<param\s+name\s*=\s*('|")flashvars('|")\s+value\s*=\s*('|")[^'"]*('|")\s*\/?\>/i,"<param name='flashvars' value='"+children[j].getAttribute('value')+"' />");
// replace the old embed object with the fixed versiony

$(document).ready(function () {

This article might help most of the developers who has faced or trying to fix the problem of wmode=”transparent”.
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Website Walkthrough with AutoPlay | Powered by jQuery

Website Walkthrough with AutoPlay | Powered by jQuery: "
Codrop is sharing a script that allows you to setup a tour on a website with jQuery. This is very useful if you want to explain to your visitors the functionality of a web application in an interactive way. The user is guided through tooltips to each of the marked sections of the application. A navigation box is used to go back and forth, start the tour and restart it. A cool feature is the “Autoplay” which automatically goes through each marked element, allowing the user to sit back and watch every step without having to click on the next button.
The steps are configured in a JSON object. The following parameters are used:
  • name: the class given to the element where you want the tooltip to appear
  • bgcolor: the background color of the tooltip
  • color: the color of the tooltip text
  • text: the text inside of the tooltip
  • time: if automatic tour, then this is the time in ms for this step
  • position: the position of the tip
What do you think about this feature? Do you believe it can be used for presenting your web application? Share your thoughts!
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Slides: Customizable and Stylish Slideshow Plugin for jQuery

Slides: Customizable and Stylish Slideshow Plugin for jQuery: "
Slides is a simple jQuery slideshow that is easy to implement, customize and style. It includes features like looping, auto play, fade or slide transition effects, crossfading, image preloading, auto generated pagination. Slides is compatible with all modern web browsers including; Internet Explorer 7/8/9, Firefox 3+, Chrome, Safari and Mobile Safari. It even works in the old IE6.
My favorite feature of Slides and main reason for its development is you never see multiple slides fly by. You get to the end and it loops. You click from slide 1 to 5 and slide 5 just slides in from the right. Awesome.
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12 Fantastic Finance Tracking & Management Apps

12 Fantastic Finance Tracking & Management Apps: "
Managing money can be as difficult as earning it. Proverbs like “A dollar save is a dollar earned” are awfully nice to read and quote but can be tough to put into practice. Starting to track the money you spend is one of the simplest first steps one can take. Once you see how much is going where, you will automatically scramble to cut down wasteful expenses.

Since our generation is known for its acute ADD, noting down every expense on a notebook or an iPhone app won’t last more than a couple of days. In the aftermath of the personal finance revolution spearheaded by Mint, there are a ton of online apps to help you pinch personal & business pennies and after the jump we’ve a compiled a few for your financial well being.



Mint is just like YouTube; they weren’t the ones who invented the idea but killed it for their competitors with their execution. Mint brings all your financial accounts together online, automatically categorizes your transactions, lets you set budgets & helps you achieve your savings goals. You’ll be able to see all your balances and transactions together — on the web or your phone.

Mint automatically pulls all your financial information and categorizes them so you get the entire picture of your finances. Based on your spending patterns, the web app also suggests financial products that will serve you best. Now it’s open to users from Canada too.

Offers Investment Ideas?: No

Paid Upgrades: No



Yodlee offers financial management solutions for the entire spectrum, from corporate companies to consumers. Just like in Mint, you can link your accounts securely to view all balances and transactions and pull pre-categorized reports to analyze your where your expenses go. You can also pay bills from the Yodlee account for free and transfer funds too.

Five out of the ten top financial institutions in USA use Yodlee’s solutions and hence you don’t have to worry about the security of your financial information.

Offers Investment Ideas?: No

Paid Upgrades: Not for consumer accounts.



Moneytrackin’ is a free online web app that allows you to track all your expenses and income easily and without effort. The app intends to be a simple yet powerful online budget management tool that offers you a clear view of your financial situation. One interesting feature of the app is sharing and collaboration. If you are working with a family member or your room mate to keep budgets in line, you can do so with ease and work together on the same account to reach financial goals.

Offers Investment Ideas?: No

Paid Upgrades: Not for consumer accounts.



Buxfer automatically downloads and categorizes expenses from your checking, savings and credit card accounts. You can monitor your spending and set limits per category and Buxfer will monitor and send real time alerts to your mobile device if you go overboard.

Spent money on a group vacation or a movie with friends? Don’t worry, Buxfer will help you track group expenses like rent, grocery bills, etc. and will let you know how much each of your friends owe you. Buxfer also generates optimized settlement plans, shuffles debts and lets you make bill payments online.

Offers Investment Ideas?: No

Paid Upgrades: No



Mvelopes is an effective online personal finance and spending management system. This award winning app applies innovative financial software technology to the traditional envelope method of budgeting to help you manage your finances, while living within your income.

Mvelopes supports 14,000 financial institutions and rest assured that if you have an account, it can be imported. Thanks to Mvelopes Bill Pay, you can pay any company or individual and create recurring payments. Bills can be received, examined and paid from the app too. Note that after a free trial period you’ll have to pay a subscription to continue using the service.

Offers Investment Ideas?: No

Paid Upgrades: Yes



On top of assisting you in planing & managing your home budgets and special activities such as buying, selling or building a home, vacation planning etc., MySpendingPlan also helps you manage the budget, shopping, and tasks for organizations and social groups you are involved with.

Visit their Save More section, to print grocery coupons, find free stuff, get discounts and great bargains on a lot of items. Leveraging their predictive Auto-Assign Budget technology and based on your past and present spending habits, the app will recommend a future budget that is better suited with your income.

Offers Investment Ideas?: Yes

Paid Upgrades: No



SmartyPig is unlike a standard finance management app. It’s an FDIC-insured savings account, combined will all the goodies of a web 2.0 finance management app. SmartyPig helps you replace the destructive “buy-now-pay-later” approach with a constructive “save-then-spend” mentality. Decide how much you want to save and when you want to meet your goal and SmartyPig will suggest a monthly contribution automatically to help you get there fast.

Offers Investment Ideas?: Yes

Paid Upgrades: No



The holistic nature of MoneyDesktop provides users with powerful online financial management software as well as debt reduction tools and money saving programs. Rather than being a dormant web app, MoneyDesktop offers sound financial advice based on your actual financial situation.

Offers Investment Ideas?: Yes

Paid Upgrades: Yes



inDinero helps small businesses to integrate and manage all their financial accounts from an intuitive dashboard. inDinero will help you slash unnecessary costs, collect payments faster from customers and understand which of your products and services are earning you the most money. At the end of the day, inDinero cares a lot about helping you make more money.

Offers Investment Ideas?: No

Paid Upgrades: Yes



Small Business owners can get rid of tedious book keeping and data entry processes with the help of Outright. Outright records and organizes all your income and expenses for you. That way, come tax time, you don’t have to fret about taxes and deductions. Your numbers will be accurate, you’ll get all your deductions, and won’t pay more taxes than you have to.

Offers Investment Ideas?: No

Paid Upgrades: Yes



At Thrive, there are no complex tools or frightening financial jargon, just excellent financial advice tailored to your needs. With the help of their user friendly tools you can take control of your financial life, and start accomplishing your goals. Thrive gives you a clear understanding of what your money really means today and what it will mean tomorrow.

Offers Investment Ideas?: No

Paid Upgrades: Yes



Just like their domain name, Xero is a neat and simple web app that focuses on assisting you in all financial transactions and accounting tasks associated with your business. In addition to a gamut of impressive features, Xero will try and match transactions you’ve downloaded to transactions in Xero. You can easily identify unreconciled items and reconcile when you need to — daily, weekly or monthly.

Offers Investment Ideas?: No

Paid Upgrades: Yes

Share With The Class

Do you use a finance management app yourself? Are you sticking to the budgets and suggestions offered by the app all the time?"
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20 Apps For Finding Creative Domain Names

20 Apps For Finding Creative Domain Names: "
Can cool domains names assure the success of a site, blog or brand? No, they can’t. However, a great product combined with a cool domain name does get the word around lightning fast. Selecting the perfect domain name requires patience, wordplay and more patience. Out there in the internet, there are bunch of web apps that help suggest, crunch and spin words to get hold of that perfect name.

While researching for this roundup, I discovered some really awesome web apps that can suggest hundreds of domain names based on broad based keywords and have listed some of them after the jump. Read on.



Domparison is a domain name price comparison and search engine. The web app searches domain registrars to find the cheapest domain prices, saving you a lot of time. Simply select the domain extension you are looking for and the type of price you want (e.g. register, renew or transfer) and the lowest domain name prices for registration, renewal or transfers will be displayed.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: Yes
  • Domain Name Suggestions: No

Bust a Name

Bust a Name
Bust a Name

Bust a Name is a web app that suggests domain names, register domains and help manage them. The app combines linguistic data with a unique interface making search through thousands of domains with the keywords you submit and see which ones are available.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: Yes
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes



Domainr lets you explore the entire domain name space beyond the ubiquitous and crowded .com, .net and .org extensions. When you type a search term into Domainr, you’ll see all the different possible domain names it creates. If you’re looking for a non-Latin internationalized domain name, you can enter characters with accents or other diacritics, and even scripts such as Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese and Hindi.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes



Whether you’re a first-time buyer or a seasoned “domain name collector”, Domize is the right place to find the next best domain name. The web app is well designed and the results start showing up instantaneously. All your search queries are encrypted over SSL for privacy and security.

In addition to checking whether a domain name has been previously registered or not, Domize also checks whether unavailable domain names can be bought on the secondary market or whether they are expiring soon.

  • Multiple TLDs :Yes
  • Price Comparison: Yes
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes

Instant Domain Search

Instant Domain Search
Instant Domain Search

Instant Domain Search is a free service that instantly checks .com, .net, and .org domain name availability. The service is blazing fast and thanks to their deal with Go Daddy, you can snap .com domain names for $7.49 a pop. The main limitation with the web app is new TLDs are not supported.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes, but limited to the three classic TLDs.
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes

Domain Typer

Domain Typer
Domain Typer

The USP of Domain Typer is its responsiveness and the refreshing user interface. Search results appear as soon as you start typing and lets you know if the domain is available. The web app does not store your search records.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes



DomainsBot has been around for a long time now and has helped me choose some great domain names in the past. On top of having a great set of filters and name spinning suggestions, the web app also displays which domain names are unavailable but currently on sale at domain name marketplaces.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: Yes
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes



Apart from performing standard domain search and suggestions, DNZoom lets you import domains from your current registrar and domain parking accounts. DNZoom acts like a portfolio manager for all your domains from a single dashboard.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: Yes
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes



Well, the name says it all! geek.name is a tool for power users who want a lot of variables and criteria to be included in their domain search. It suggests names of interesting domain names that are not yet snapped up and also displays suggestions based on the query you have typed.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes

Domain Hacks

Domain Hacks
Domain Hacks

Domain Hacks follows a unique a methodology to find awesome domain names – playing with subdomains. Thanks to this neat little app, you too can now have a cool domain name like del.icio.us.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes



Moniker specializes in creating user-friendly ways to make domain management easier and more efficient. The service offers easy-to-use domain management tools for single domains – plus versatile and intuitive bulk tools for larger domain portfolios. It is a full service app and you can register the domains with them too.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes, lots of them.
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes



NXdom is a domain search engine that specializes in short domain names. Its database contains millions of DNS results and you can search by prefix and suffix, and sort the results by length, readability and popularity.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes



Wordroid pitches itself as a domain search engine that generates suggestions that sound natural in varying degrees in five different languages.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes

Domain Exposer

Domain Exposer
Domain Exposer

Domain Exposer is a tool which helps you find available domain names based on the keywords, length and other parameters you specify. The downside of the app is that it shows too many results in a single page.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes

Name Station

Name Station
Name Station

With Name Station it is very simple to generate hundreds of random phonetic names, enter their own keywords and combine them with preset wordlists containing categorized suffixes and prefixes. Registered users get free access to advanced features.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes



Claiming itself as the world’s most popular domain name appraiser, Nameboy offers unique suggestions. You can also use the domain cart feature to keep track of domain names you plan to buy in the future and manage them from one convenient location so you can register them later.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes



Getting suggestions from the app is simple. Just enter a word (or words) in the left box, and choose some endings (or enter your own). Click to combine them. If you see a name you like, you can check its availability or save it to your scratchboard.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes



Based on your query, PCNames.com instantly checks whether .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .us, .mobi and .name domain names are available. The app remembers the search history so that you can look it up later.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: Yes
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes



SuggestName works in the same manner as Dot-o-mator but with a minimalistic yet splendid user interface. Enter a prefix, suffix and let the app combine them to throw up catchy suggestions for you!

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes

Shout Domains

Shout Domains
Shout Domains

Shout Domains works like Google Instant, it gets you results as fast as you type. There are two separate tools to combine and crunch names based on the words you specify.

  • Multiple TLDs : Yes
  • Price Comparison: No
  • Domain Name Suggestions: Yes

Share Your Thoughts!

Which one of the domain name suggestion tools do you like? Will you be using such tools when buying domain names in the future?"
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10 Ultra-Lightweight CMSes For Simple Projects

10 Ultra-Lightweight CMSes For Simple Projects: "
Each and every piece of content created is unique in some way and so are the many Content Management Systems available. Content Management Systems were supposed to be a wrapper that holds the content together in a preset format, however, over time, CMS developers have gotten ambitious and started adding as many features as possible to stay ahead of the competition.

The question is, how many people actually use all these features? A bloated CMS can also slow down a website, aggravating visitors. If you just have a single purpose website or focus is only on content that loads faster, flat file CMSes are a viable alternative. Check out our list of ultra-lightweight CMSes that don’t require a database to run.

Also be sure to check out our roundup of 10 fantastic lightweight CMSes you should try!



SkyBlueCanvas Lightweight CMS is an open source, free CMS written in PHP and built specifically for small web sites. After uploading the software to your web server, you’re all set to add content in the form of text and pictures to your web site.

SkyBlueCanvas’ interface is simple to navigate with standard menus, buttons, and forms and, in most cases, it’s just point, click and type to get content changed.

  • Price: Free
  • Server Language: PHP v4-5.x – Only Linux Servers
  • Database: No
  • Self-Hosted: No
  • Plugins: Yes

razor CMS

razor CMS
razor CMS

razor CMS is an opensource fork of nanoCMS and uCMS. It has a great admin control panel that offers a bird’s eye view of the site, complete with feedback on environment, versions, system messages and the ability to monitor all files within the system for permissions to ensure file security. Like WordPress and other more complex CMSes out there, razor also offers 3 user accounts with varying levels of access. There’s also the automatic invalid login check which blocks invalid logins by IP address after 8 attempts and a maintenance mode to keep visitors informed.

  • Price: Free
  • Server Language: PHP v-5.x
  • Database: No
  • Self-Hosted: No
  • Plugins: Yes

gp Easy

gp Easy
gp Easy

gpEasy is the perfect choice for a personal or commercial web site that requires faster page loads and search engine friendly code. Adding pages is as simple as submitting a new title and with the built in CKEditor, editing pages is such a breeze. From the integrated admin interface users can instantly see page edits and configuration changes as they happen.

  • Price: Free
  • Server Language: PHP v-4.x
  • Database: No
  • Self-Hosted: No
  • Plugins: Yes



Zimplit is an open source CMS that is extremely lightweight, simple and customizable. Thanks to the single core engine file, uploading and installing the CMS couldn’t be easier. After installing, login and select the design that is appropriate for the site from the hundreds available. All the content added is stored as HTML files.

  • Price: Free
  • Server Language: PHP v-4.x
  • Database: No
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Plugins: No. But themes are available.

OneFile CMS

OneFile CMS
OneFile CMS

Can it be any clearer than this? OneFile CMS comprises of just one file that is extremely tiny at 24kb. The CMS comes with all the basic features of an FTP application, built in, so day to day activities like renaming, deleting, copying and uploading files can be done with ease.

  • Price: Free
  • Server Language: PHP v-5.x – Only Linux/Unix Servers supported.
  • Database: No
  • Self-Hosted: No
  • Plugins: No.



Lotus CMS, though lightweight comes with an advanced speed caching system for standard pages with up to a 3 times average speed increase for server-side processing. This should ensure blazing fast page load times for your visitors. It also has a blogging system, multi-tier user roles and a WYSIWYG editor. A classy backup solution and SEO settings are part of the CMS too.

  • Price: Free
  • Server Language: PHP v-5.x
  • Database: No
  • Self-Hosted: No
  • Plugins: No.



Distributed under GPL, Mapix CMS simplifies content management by offering an elegant user interface, flexible templating per page, simple user management and permissions, in addition to other tools necessary for file management. Mapix is both a framework and a CMS which makes it easy for developers to create websites entirely (as far as possible) with the XML/XSL technology. In Mapix CMS, each page can have its own customized parts and they can be reordered by just drag & drop.

  • Price: Free.
  • Server Language: PHP v-5.x
  • Database: No
  • Self-Hosted: No
  • Plugins: No.

Quick CMS

Quick CMS
Quick CMS

Quick CMS is available in three flavors and the base version of which is free. Quick CMS makes it easy to create multilingual pages and has a ton of page customization options. A powerful admin panel helps you manage everything on your site—pages, images and files—as efficiently as possible. Sub pages can be added when required and images are displayed using Lightbox.

  • Price: Free, Paid Versions available as well.
  • Server Language: PHP v-5.x
  • Database: No
  • Self-Hosted: No
  • Plugins: Only in paid versions.



At just a 100 kb, CMSimple is one of the smallest, smartest and simplest content management systems out there. Simple installation and easy modification options are the USPs of the CMS. The entire site is stored as a single HTML file and you can edit it with your favorite HTML editor, upload the content file and get a dynamic website. An integrated WYSIWYG editor with link validation, online editing of system files and an automatic backup on logout make the system administrator’s life easy.

  • Price: Free, Paid commercial versions available as well.
  • Server Language: PHP v-5.x
  • Database: No
  • Self-Hosted: No
  • Plugins: Yes



ecoCMS is another classic example of a light CMS that’s easy to install. There are paid variants available but the free and opensource version comes with the most needed features to build and manage a website. And for a simple CMS, eco has an elegant and powerful admin panel too. A ton of free templates and availability of plugins like shopping cart, blog etc. add to its plus points.

  • Price: Free, Paid commercial versions available as well.
  • Server Language: PHP v-5.x
  • Database: No
  • Self-Hosted: No
  • Plugins: Only in paid versions."
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The Best Web Apps of 2010

The Best Web Apps of 2010: "
2010 has been quite a year for web apps with HTML5 and CSS3 really beginning to catch on, giving web apps more power and capabilities than they’ve ever had before and bringing them closer to their desktop rivals—or completely redefining the way we do certain things (social media?).

With 2011 right around the corner, the AppStorm team thought it would be a great time to take a look back on 2010 and some of the best applications developers have brought us. So we bring you 20 of the best web apps from 2010.

In preparing this post, I was taken back by the incredible number of fantastic web apps I’ve seen this year, so it’s very possible you’ll find something new and amazing yourself. Go on and take a look!



Although Dropbox’s primary function isn’t its web app, it’s still one of our favorite apps with so many uses it’ll blow your hair back. The desktop application is, without question, the world’s best multi-platform, multi-system data sync software.

The number of tips, tricks and hacks for Dropbox make it one of the most versatile apps I’ve likely ever come across. The combination of the powerful desktop and web apps ensure you always have access to your data, regardless of where you are.

Be sure to take a look at our Ultimate Dropbox Toolkit & Guide for a massive (and growing) list of ways to use this amazing app.



You’re probably wondering why I’m even including Facebook on this list considering it’s user-base is so massive it could be its own country, and one of the largest at that. But, let’s face it, Facebook has changed the way we interact socially and it’s been in the news more than any other app—especially for its privacy concerns—and has also changed dramatically over the last year.

Facebook is “THE” social network. There’s just no better way to stay in touch with your friends, family co-workers, favorite brands, bands or media. Web.AppStorm has also covered Facebook incredibly frequently; see a few of the following posts.

Google Products (Apps)

Google Products
Google Products

Google is a killer app producing beast, no doubt—possibly the king of web apps. Not only do they run the worlds most popular search engine but they also offer apps that are arguably the most popular in their own categories; Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, Google Docs, Picasa and Google Chrome.

You’re all likely familiar with at least a few of Google’s amazing apps and the reach they have in the web world, so I need not further explain!

Check out our guide on setting up your personalized Google Apps suite.



As great as SmugMug is, it’s still hard to choose between it and Flickr considering they’re both top of their class but work better for different people’s needs. Over 2010, however, I’d have to go with SmugMug considering the number of improvements and new features they’ve implemented.

SmugMug is one of the best apps you could choose for storing and sharing images, not to mention the abilities it gives users for customizing galleries and printing & framing options. SmugMug also has options leading their field in video, allowing 1080p quality at up to 10 minutes.



While there are several fantastic Twitter web apps, TweetDeck stands out of the crowd and isn’t just popular on the web but also one of the top choices for desktop users as well. TweetDeck offers a version of their app for essentially every major device and platform, from desktop to mobile and as of just recently, the Chrome Web Store.

TweetDeck isn’t just a Twitter powerhouse, it’s a social media connection hub for pretty much everything.

Runner up: HootSuite



From image editing to music creation, Aviary is a powerhouse of killer web apps. While their primary apps are Flash-based, they’ve recently launched a lightweight HTML5 image editor that can even be embedded in your own apps. Aviary isn’t the only ones providing a fantastic online image editor, but they certainly have one of the best (if not the best) collections of great apps for tackling lots of different media types.

Runner up: Splashup.com



OnLive is attempting to revolutionize the way games are made available and against all odds, they’re doing a pretty dang amazing job of it. They’re pushing their new game system pretty heavily but you can just as easily play via browser capable computer and most recently view live players with an iPad.

The OnLive team is taking their technology even further, however, with rumors and demos of video streaming and remote system access (e.g. Windows 7 through a browser). While OnLive’s game list is still pretty limited, it’s growing and the service is taking fantastic steps forward all the time, recently even offering unlimited gaming for $10 per month!

If you want a deeper look at OnLive, be sure to read our early review (with video preview), OnLive: Next Generation Gaming.

Hulu Plus

Hulu Plus
Hulu Plus

Hulu was quite the hit as soon as it was released and it’s been in the news quite a bit through this last year for the struggles they’ve had obtaining and offering more content. One thing’s for sure though, Hulu is arguably the best place to catch up on your favorite TV shows.

With the addition of Hulu Plus, you can get all your favorite Hulu content shortly after airing, usually in HD and on a solid number of devices including the iPhone and iPad. At $7.99 per month, it’s not a bad deal. Unfortunately it’s not available outside the states just yet.

Runner up: Netflix



Groupon is a relatively new app but has really begun catching on this last year, introducing many to the new concept of social shopping. It’s popularity and success has really taken off this year and it doesn’t look like it’ll be slowing down any time soon.

The concept behind Groupon is pretty simple; you subscribe to daily deals (just notifications) and purchase deals you like along with your friends and family (though you can purchase them alone). In some of the deals, groups are required and it can be much more fun snagging a deal on an event with your friends.



While Pandora is still one of the most popular music streaming web apps, it’s still only radio via the web and hasn’t changed all that much this year. Grooveshark, however, is a music library with access to music and “radio stations”, all for free (with an optional VIP paid subscription).

Throughout the year, Grooveshark has made lots of improvements to their web app along with offering mobile apps for all the major mobile platforms (including Blackberry and Palm). Grooveshark works amazingly well, has a great selection of music and the price is hard to beat!



Evernote is similar to Dropbox in that it’s a powerful data sync tool compatible with nearly every platform; desktop, mobile and web. It’s not exclusively a web app and requires a downloaded app whether on windows or a mobile device to really make use of it but all your data is accessible via the web as well.

Evernote differs from Dropbox in the type of data typically stored, based on a note and notebook concept and built to help organize your notes and data (including images, files, etc).

If you want to learn more about Evernote and how to take advantage of its awesome capabilities, check out the following posts.



Kickstarter is easily one of my favorite apps of 2010, making things possible for people in a very elegant and social way not previously possible. Users can start projects, requesting backers to reach the projects financial goal. If the goal is reached, the project is funded (by the backers). Other users can back any project they’d like (I’ve already backed two, both reaching their goals) and if the project reaches its required financial goal from their backers, you’ll then be required to pay the money you backed the project for.

It’s a fantastic idea and makes it much easier for every day people to back projects and achieve their goals. They’ve already had tons of fantastically successful projects! See Rocking Kickstarter for Easy Project Funding for a more in-depth look.



SlideRocket is a presentation web app that really shows what kind of incredibly powerful apps can be developed for the web. In my opinion, even current desktop powerpoint apps fail to offer the capabilities SlideRocket does. It’s even available on mobile devices such as the iPhone and iPad.

SlideRocket is free but many of the more powerful features are reserved for the Pro plan, which will be well worth it for business or heavy presentation users. See our review of SlideRocket, Power Your Presentations with the New SlideRocket, more a more in-depth look but keep in mind they’ve added many fantastic features since then.



It’s difficult to say Freshbooks has been the best invoicing app for freelancers as there are definitely others that are more appealing to those with different levels of needs. Freshbooks does, however, offer one of the widest range of capabilities and features and is certainly one of the most widely used.

Invoice, track time, organize expenses, manage clients and integrate with many other amazing web apps for your business needs with Freshbooks.

Other invoicing apps I would highly recommend are Blinksale, CurdBee, Ronin and Invoice Machine. I’d encourage you to also take a look at our review of Blinksale—Blinksale:

A Revamped Butt Kicking Invoice App



When it comes to private journaling, Penzu has rocked 2010. They’ve added plenty of new features and more recently released a full HTML5 app for mobiles that rivals some native apps. The app is a pleasure to use, not to mention how therapeutic private journaling is, and offers plenty of features for you to customize your journal and connect with services like Flickr for adding your photos.

Be sure to check out our reviews of Penzu’s apps for a more in-depth look.



Threadsy takes a different approach to email and social media, bringing the two into a single app but in a way that makes it easier for you to organize and stay on top of everything. So many of us have multiple email and social networking accounts—Threadsy enables you to pull them all into one place to easily manage it all.

Although it’s still in beta, it’s come a long way this year and boasts some really killer features, proving just how powerful web apps can be.



Forrst is a fun and creative app for designers and developers to share links, snapshots of their work, code and ask questions. Although some might argue Dribbble should be here instead, Forrst brought the Dribbble concept to a new level and with more creativity.

Both are invite-only apps, meaning you must be invited by current members who are encouraged to only invite those who will compliment the community. For creatives and coders, it’s a valuable resource and a great social community.



Font creation and sharing used to be a much more exclusive club, not to mention much more difficult. FontStruct changed that and opened up the world of fonts to every day users with an app that anyone can start using without extensive training. It’s also free!

There’s a lot more to the app, community and website though—definitely worth checking out if you’d like to design fonts or are interested in the subject. Take a look at Creating Fonts with FontStruct for a more in-depth look at the app.



Online forms and their associated data can be a massive pain to build and manage, especially for those who aren’t web developers. FormStack takes the pain out of this whole web forms nightmare, making it incredibly easy to build and manage forms and the data you’ll receive from them. It really doesn’t get easier than this!

In 2010 Formstack has made lots of great improvements and added incredibly useful app integrations to easily enable things like payments. They even offer a free plan should you not need more than a few simple forms, but pricing plans are very reasonable should you need more.



We all know how important password security is and how difficult it is to manage and remember more than a few complex passwords. LastPass takes care of it all for you on Mac, Windows and Linux with integration in every major browser and even mobile access on iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows phone, Symbian and Android. That’s impressive app support but your passwords are that important and the LastPass team knows it!

LastPass has been around for awhile but they deserve a spot on this list as they’ve acquired Xmarks, the best browser bookmarks sync app around, saving it from shutting down. Hopefully the two will be combined but either way, LastPass is a stellar group for keeping Xmarks alive.

A Few Favorite Posts

We’ve reviewed and rounded up some truly fantastic web apps this year and I can’t wait to see what next year holds. There are a few posts I’ve really enjoyed this year as Web.AppStorm and our fantastic team has grown and I’d love to share them with you. Take a look!

What’s Coming in 2011?

Looking back on 2010 we’ll see that web apps have really started coming of age and are further blurring the line between desktop and cloud computing. This is really just the tip of the iceberg though, with new web technologies like HTML5 and more powerful browsers making their way into people’s day to day lives. So, what do we have to look forward to in 2011?

For starters, the just launched Chrome Web Store and Chrome OS will further develop and hopefully flourish. These two products are a unique perspective on the world of web apps and one that many feel is overdue. Google may just be able to start the full-on cloud computing revolution and we might see it blossom next year.

As more people shift to entertainment sources on the web, we’ll very likely continue seeing the growth of apps like Hulu and Netflix, possibly even getting a truly usable system to access our content in the living room—potentially allowing more people to “cut the cable” and ditch their cable TV providers.

One development I’d absolutely love to see next year is for OnLive and their collection of games and media offerings. OnLive’s technology has capabilities that could change the way we compute and consume media. They’re off to a great start already and moving ahead quickly so I have high hopes for them in 2011.

With all the incredible developments and advancements coming out at break-neck speed, it’s hard to keep up on it all—and not just in web apps.

The Best iOS and Mac Apps of 2010

If you’re a fan of the your trusty Mac, iPhone, or iPad (and let’s face it, who isn’t?), you may also like to take a look at the companion posts published across the AppStorm network. These include some seriously amazing software, and it’s a good way to quickly see what you might have missed over the course of the year.

Take a look at:

Thank you so much for reading AppStorm in 2010. We’re really excited about everything that 2011 has in store, and I hope you’ll take a minute to subscribe to the site if you haven’t already! The AppStorm team of sites will be working hard to bring you the latest in reviews, roundups, how-tos and more."
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